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21 Juni 2024 18:23

11 Moments when Rob Clinton, Chelsea Islan's husband, went home to celebrate Eid al-Adha, etiquette when eating became a topic of conversation

Even though he is not Muslim, this young politician looks enthusiastic when celebrating Eid al-Adha in his hometown of Semarang. Syeny Wulandari

Rob Clinton, Chelsea Islan's husband, was recently in the spotlight after being seen celebrating Eid al-Adha. It is known that Rob, his wife and family, were returning to their hometown in Semarang.

This moment suddenly became the public spotlight, considering Rob's religious status as a non-Muslim. After further investigation, it turns out that Rob's mother's family is Muslim. However, the mother decided to convert to Christianity and gave birth to Rob.

Even though he is not a Muslim, this young politician looks enthusiastic when celebrating Eid al-Adha in his village. He was quite diligent in sharing his activities during the holiday of sacrifice .

What do you think the moment was like? The following is a summary from brilio.net from the TikTok account @rob_clinton_kardinal, Friday (21/6).


Rob Clinton and Chelsea Islan were seen celebrating Eid al-Adha in Saban Village, Central Java.


Without hesitation, Rob Clinton's family also sacrificed one limousine cow. The cow is large and has the actress' husband's family name written on it.


Elizabeth Kardinal, Rob's mother, immediately came down to see the animals they sacrificed and distributed to the village community.


There, Rob Clinton seemed to blend in by joining in cutting sacrificial meat with the local community.


Even while fanning satay, Rob still maintained his dapper appearance with a black T-shirt, black pants and sneakers.


While fanning himself, Rob stole the opportunity to eat his homemade satay.


After helping process the sacrificial meat into satay, the 31-year-old man was seen enjoying home-cooked food using his hands.


Rob Clinton's unconventional manners when eating with his hands immediately invited various comments from netizens.


"Rob Clinton's classmates don't feel awkward eating with their hands, they're actually hearty, very popular salute," commented one netizen.


After that, Rob Clinton and his mother went by motorbike to the cemetery.


Chelsea Islan looks very loyal to accompany her husband to celebrate Eid al-Adha.

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