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26 April 2017 11:50

Jakarta City Hall Flooded With Wreaths Thanking Ahok & Djarot

It's like a flower parade in the City Hall right now. Septika Shidqiyyah
Jakarta City Hall Flooded With Wreaths Thanking Ahok & Djarot  © AP Photo/Dita Alangkara

Last week, a couple of wreaths thanking the service of Jakarta Governor Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama and Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat were seen displayed at the Jakarta City Hall. But today, more than a hundredof them are decorating every corner of the area.

The wreaths express gratitude, support and prayer for Ahok and Djarot despite their defeat in the Jakarta election.

Rows of wreaths occupy the parking area, the yard and even the roads around the City Hall complex in Central Jakarta.

"To Pak Ahok dan Pak Djarot. Thank you for all the works you have done. We are so proud of you," read a note on one wreath.

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"Pak Ahok & Pak Djarot, did you know, our hearts feel miserable. Keep the spirit, sir... We Love You." read a note on a wreath sent from Nyinyir TarQ IPA 01.

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"God Always Bless You Pak Ahok & Pak Djarot Thank you for everything you are the best gov we ever had," read another wreath.

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