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6 Juni 2017 10:15

KPK Receives Amien Rais' Representatives

The anti-graft agency insists that they have followed the existing protocol. Tunggul Kumoro
KPK Receives Amien Rais' Representatives Amien Rais and journalists and staff of Metro TV, pray together in Jakarta, Feb. 22, 2005 for the safe return of two journalists of the channel, who were kidnaped in Iraq before being sent free on Feb. 21. (AFP Photo/Choo Youn-Kong)

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) represented by its spokespersonFebriDiansyahreceived five representatives of former Chairman of National Mandate Party (PAN) AmienRaisat KPK building, Jakarta on Monday afternoon.

AmienRais, who planned to come to KPK building yesterday, canceled his intention as KPK leaders were not willing to meet him.

AmienRaissent five representatives, namely members of the House of Representatives Commission I MemberHanafiRaisand PAN PoliticiansDradjadWibowo,SalehDaulay,ZamhurandAnsufriIDSambo.

At the meeting,Febriprovided explanation related to the context of the alleged corruption of medicalequipmentsprocurement trial process.

According toFebri, the KPK has the obligation to outline all the facts of the trial, starting from witness statement to other evidences in this case, the flow of fund toAmienRaisfromSutrisnoBachir.

"What KPK has been dealing with is an indication of corruption committed by defendantSitiFadilahSupari, and of course the KPK has the obligation to outline all the facts of the trial, starting from the witness statement to other evidences, including those that now turn into a hot topic, related to the flow of funds,"saidFebriafter the meeting.

Febriexplained, the information and proof of bank account must be submitted during the trial process. Therefore, the KPK prosecutors considered this as a series of related event.

It was all started with the process of medical equipment procurement in 2005 that led to the flow of funds indication from PT MitraMediduato a number of parties.

One of the parties who received the money wasSutrisnoBachir Foundation which was later revealed to channel the funds to other several parties.

"So we hope that the context of the facts of the trial can be processed and resolved in the trial. But to avoid wrongperception, we explained these points during the meeting,"saidFebri.

"We need to look at the facts altogether the court ruling inseparable from the legal facts. In the process of graft trial, we observe everything. That's an open procession for the public and everyone can see it,"he added.

AmienRaisreportedly received money from former Health MinisterSitiFadilahSupariwho allegedly committed corruption in a procurement of medicalequipments.

The trial revealed thatAmienRaisreceived Rp 100 million for six times starting from January 15 to Nov. 2, 2007 from then PAN ChairmanSutrisnoBachir.

The money is said to come from the profits of private company appointed bySitiFadilahto handle the procurement project at the Ministry of Health.

Amien Rais Plans To Meet KPK Leaders Today

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