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3 Juli 2017 10:20

Indonesia Might Lose Its Only Eternal Snow

The snow in Jayawijaya peak has shrunk 1.42 meter in just six months. Rizky Mandasari
Image: Shutterstock/Philippe Gatta

Wamena Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) is asking the people and the government to helpprevent snow on the peak of JayawijayaMountain from melting.

Wamena BMKG Chairman Benny Marlissa said the only eternal snow in the country might be gone in 2020 due to illegal logging if no one takes any action.

Based on the last observation in November 2016, the snow in Jayawijaya has shrunk 1.42 meters since May 2016.

Through the activity (of illegal logging) that keeps on going without governments supervision, the ice will shrink. We see in Wamena, logging is happening everywhere without any control because people feel like they have the territorial rights to do so, said Benny as cited from Antara.

Benny acknowledged that illegal logging is done to fulfill one's economic needs, but he wishedthere would be more tree planted to speed up the recovery.

Not only [for] the locals, those who manage the economy, those who only chase benefit without thinking about the environment. It is better to plant more new trees if we can't stop the illegal logging," he suggested.

However, he added that it might take a long time for trees to grow in Papua due to its grounds type.

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