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31 Maret 2017 18:45

313 Rally Leader Held In Custody Over 'Conspiracy'

The rally happened anyway with thousands of protesters marching towards the State Palace. Syifa Fauziah
313 Rally Leader Held In Custody Over 'Conspiracy'

Secretary General of Muslim People Forum KH Muhammad Al-Khaththath is stillheld in custody after police broughthim to Mobile Brigade Command detention center in, Kelapa Dua, Depok, last night.

Al-Khaththath is the leader of today's rally the 313 rally held in Central Jakarta to demand the imprisonment and impeachment of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama regarding his blasphemy case.

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The rally happened anyway with thousands of protesters marching from Istiqlal Mosque towards the State Palace.

Jakarta Police Spokesman Commissioner Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono confirmed todayAl-Khaththath's arrest isrelated to today'srally.

"He was arrested for conspiracy plot," said Argo. "Everything is currently under investigation. We are waiting for his lawyer for further process."

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In response to the situation, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth WingDahnil Anzar Simanjuntak,who is also a supporter of the demands against Ahok, said the arresthas no solid reason and might lead to more complications in the near future.

"The arrest is too risky during this situation, it could spark provocation too," said Dahnilsaid to reporters.

He also urged the police to immediatelly issue furtherstatement regardingAl-Khaththath's arrest.

Al-Khaththath were arrested in Kempinski Hotel, Central Jakarta along with four other people: activist Zainudin Arsyad, 313 rally field coordinator Irwansyah, Commander of Indonesian Shuhada Forum (FSI) Diko Nugraha and Andry.

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