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9 Juni 2017 10:50

Ahmadiyya To File A Lawsuit Against Depok Govt

The congregation decided to file a lawsuit after the local government sealed their mosque seven times. Petra Hapsari
Ahmadiyya To File A Lawsuit Against Depok Govt Ahmadiyya mosque in Berlin. (Shutterstock/Ebenart)

Ahmadiyyacongregation inDepokis going to file a lawsuit againstDepokgovernment after the latter sealed their mosqueMasjidAlHidayah.

The congregation's attorneyFitriSumarnisaid her team is going to file the lawsuit after the government sealed the mosque seven times.

The sealing is invalid. There is no local regulation violated by JAI (JamaahAhmadiyah Indonesia),Fitrisaid to Tempo.

DepokMayor Idris AbdulShomadin another interview stated that the government had sealed the mosque six times before to protectAhmadiyyacongregation from any possible violence from others and he also called the sealing as a way to show their tolerance.

However,Fitridenies the statement. Its ridiculous if [he] said its a tolerance. If the mayor knows there's anyone wanting to damage the mosque, then report it to the police instead of sealing the mosque.

Ahmadiyyahas been named as misguided and is out of Islam by Indonesian Ulema Council(MUI) since 1980. Conflicts related toAhmadiyyaalso have happened for years with no solution yet.

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