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14 Februari 2016 11:00

Why you shouldn’t marry someone with same job

These are new strategies to drive your career and financial decisions to help you end up with a happy love life. Retno Wulandari
Why you shouldn’t marry someone with same job © Shutterstock

Brilio.net/en - Marrying someone with the same job could be a disaster in the end, according to psychologists.

When you prefer to think about about the next level relationship and tend to skip the flowers and chocolates on Valentines Day, you have to take the line above more seriously.

Psychologists advise everyone who wants to improve their love life to examine how their career choices and spending habits impact their relationships. You know money is often the root of arguments between couples, but theyre still loosing control when adjusting their finances and career choices with their perfect life-partner.

Turns out, decisions youve made in two biggest parts of your life can play a big role in helping you build a happy long-term relationship.

In some instances, a financial betrayal can be the same as an affair, said Fran Davis, a psychologist and career counsellor who works with Harvard Business School students and alumni.

These are new strategies to drive your career and financial decisions to help you end up with a happy love life:

Never get involved with someone in the same career path

Image: Shutterstock

It might sounds perfect to have a mate with the same career path. After all, youll have so much to talk with each other about your career ambitions and goals. Yes, it would be great at the early romantic stage, but may backfire in the long term.

Even if they arent in the competitive-with-one-another position, couples in the same profession tend to grow apart primarily because they stop pursuing common interests in their leisure time. After all, the have already shared to lifes biggest thing in common: their work.

According to professor of occupational health psychology at the University of Bedfordshire, Gail Kinman, couples in same profession may have more difficulty in achieveing work life balance.

The job can become the big thing in the relationship, says Kinman.

Lawyers, farm workers, teachers and those who works in education field are more likely to choose similar partners while those in finance, mining and construction were less likely, according to research from Priceonomics.

Instead, think about partners with complimentary professions

Image: Todays Christian Woman

In recent years, researchers have started tracking which professions make a perfect pair. According to research, for example, those who work in advertising and marketing are often attracted to musicians, while police officers drawn to investment bankers. The survey was conducted by The Grade, a scroll-through type dating app that tracked 450,000 likes and skips from its users.

Another dating site, eHarmony.com, which is more careful when matching daters, found that people in some fields are most often matched with or attracted to people in specific fields.

For instance, eHarmony data found the top 10 compatible matches and communicators, including: male lawyers with female architects; female lawyers with male pilots; male researchers with female pharmacists; and, defying some other data, male business executives with female business executives.

Clergy, optometrists and engineers are the most likely to stay married regardless of their partners career path, according to Michael Aamodt, professor emeritus at Radford University who used 2000 US Census data.


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