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27 April 2016 13:05

Lovers’ tragic story: their anniversary became the day of his funeral

“At the funeral, I can’t stop crying. Before his body wrapped in the shroud, I whispered to him, saying happy anniversary." Retno Wulandari
Lovers’ tragic story: their anniversary became the day of his funeral

Brilio.net/en - Its as if the world stops turning, and its impossible to go on living when someone you love dies. You may really feel completely hopeless, and there are no magic word or pills you can take to get you through the death of a loved one. Even time, which is said to heal all, will never totally take away the pain. Thats maybe what Elga Mutrika (20) feels when losing her soulmate of three years, Rangga Citra Prayoga (21).

Rangga or Yoga (as he was known amongst his friends) passed away on March 29, due to complication. He was at first diagnosed with a bone infection and severe arthritis. Later, the doctor discovered that Yoga suffered from bone tuberculosis and dengue fever.

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Ive never even think of it (Yoga dying). He seemed so healthy and was recovering and even allowed to go home. But his condition worsened and Ive never even had a premonition that he will go forever, Elga told Brilio.net onTuesday (19/4).

For more than three months Yoga suffered and had to be hospitalized for several times. Before he died, he was treated in Jakarta Hospital, but his condition was rapidly deteriorating, despite having had four operations.

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The disease spreads quickly. He seemed so healthy, but when he was diagnosed with dengue fever, he couldnt walk anymore, said Elga.

After weeks of suffering, Yoga was finally put out of the his pain. Elga, who was on the way to hospital with Yogas sister, was shocked to hear that her lover has gone forever. She burst in tears, never thought this moment could happen.

His sister had a phone call while were on the way (to the hospital). Suddenly she began to cry, and I began to feel theres something bad happened. Then she told me that Yoga is passed away. Then all I can remember is I broke out into tears, Elga said.

Yogas body was then brought into his grandmothers house in Depok, West Java. At that time, Elgas never left his side. She can hardly keep eyes from crying. In fact, she never stopped shedding tears.

Elga says shes overwhelmed with regrets and feel distressed for not being in Yogas side in his final moments, but she did all she have to while taking care of her boyfriend this while.

In all three months Ive never left his side. He had hard times eating, but I made him eat. I felt like I was his mother, she said.

Yoga was buried in Kukusan cemetery on March 30th, which turns out to be their anniversary.

At the funeral, I cant stop crying. Before his body wrapped in the shroud, I whispered to him, saying happy anniversary. We had so many plans, but hes gone too soon, said Elga.

For her, he was a very good man. Elga feels grateful because, amongst all of Yogas then girlfriend, shes the only one who cultivated good relationship with Yogas family. Its not a surprise that the family treat her as Yogas replacement.

I came to his hous almost everyday. Everytime Im there, I spend times in Yogas room, as if the house is my familys house. His family see me as they see Yoga, she said.

Even tough being nearly mad and deeply grieved over her boyfriends death, Elga is trying to let go. But sometimes she cant keep her eyes from crying, when the storm of their memories together strikes her. I believe Yoga is healed up there, and happy also. I have to let go, she said, much to herself.

Original article by Syifa Fauziah

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