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30 Oktober 2016 15:12

This Couple Tossed Aside A Big Wedding Party To Go Traveling Instead

A commendable move in a society so obsessed with big weddings. Aprilia Nurohmah
This Couple Tossed Aside A Big Wedding Party To Go Traveling Instead

Brilio.net/en - Indonesians are crazy about weddings. Huge parties, 1,000 invites, big caterers and... lots and lots of money. Some would even go as far as take a loan to celebrate their special day.

Ronal Krismas and Liel Lilila are not one of them. Instead of splurging on a reception, the couple decided to save up for a honeymoon and likely for their actual life after the wedding. The one that involves, you know, bills, possibly children, tuitions, and the likes.

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In a Facebook post, the couple shared their story.

Dear friends,On August 9, my partner and I have given our signature at the Civil Registry Office. There was no wedding matrimony, no big party, just a dinner with our family last night. And later at 4.40 a.m.well fly to London, then to Iceland, traveling for 18 days using money that would otherwise have been spent on a party," Krismas wrote, adding with a little bit of warm sarcasm:

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Actually, this announcement is not important, because my marriage does not affect your lives. But as an annoying and good middle class, I feel like I have an obligation to show off what happened in my life using Facebook. I hope I have done my obligation well.

The post went viralwith thousands of likes and shares, as well as a few comments:

Marriageindeed has to bea private thing. Between two humans who commit to being one in front of God. So, the lack of a big celebration is not a problem. Better to use the money to travel or build a house, or buy a car. Anyway, good choice, bro, and congratulations, Januarius Wikasno Hadi wrote.

A marriage doesnt have to be celebrated, as long its legitimate and [the couple] always keeps the marriage.. Congrats, bro and sis," said Fifi Eliawati.

Going to London for 2 people, it costs around Rp16millions. Lodgingfor 18 days, lets just say costsRp27million. Living cost and transport are around Rp18million. So the total cost would bearound IDR 61millions. Its cheaper than a wedding celebration [and it can be cheaper if they stay on lodging under 4 stars and eat normally; it would probablyonly cost Rp30 million]. But anyway, well done for sharing this because this kind of marriage is still rare in Indonesia. saidAdi Ariyanto Sani.

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