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12 September 2024 23:00

Without vinegar or hot water, here's how to mop the floor to make it germ-free and fragrant with 2 kitchen ingredients

This method is very effective in making the floor super clean and fragrant. Brilio.net

Brilio.net - A floor that looks shiny does not always mean it is clean, especially if it is only swept and not mopped regularly. Mopping the floor is very important to maintain cleanliness and avoid germs, as well as provide a fresh scent. According to thespruce.com, floors that are often stepped on should be mopped at least once a week.

However, even though you have routinely mopped, sometimes the floor is still not completely clean and less fragrant. It is no wonder that many tricks on how to mop the floor are circulating on social media. To get a cleaner floor, many people use kitchen ingredients such as vinegar or hot water.

If you don't want to use both of these ingredients, don't worry, because there are still other tricks that are just as effective for cleaning floors. One of these tricks was shared by a netizen who is familiarly called Ariyanto. According to him, this method is very effective for making floors super clean and fragrant.

"We first sweep it evenly so that the dust and dirt are reduced," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Ariyanto Tutor on Thursday (12/9).

After the floor is swept clean, continue by mixing the cleaning fluid. Ariyanto admitted that he usually puts this cleaning fluid mixture into a used mineral water bottle with a small hole in the lid. Put enough water into the bottle, then put in two kitchen ingredients that are the main ingredients for mopping the floor, namely dishwashing soap and enough MSG .

Next, pour in the liquid fragrance or fabric softener that is often used to wash clothes. Add a little more water if the room whose floor you want to mop is quite large. Then, shake the bottle containing the cleaning fluid until it is even.

photo: YouTube/Ariyanto tutor

If the floor cleaning fluid is ready, immediately spray enough on the floor to be mopped. Then, prepare a mop, dip it in a bucket of clean water, squeeze it, then wipe it on the floor that has been given the cleaning fluid. Mop the floor until it is even for a few moments, then wait until the floor is dry. Guaranteed, the results will be shiny and fragrant.

photo: YouTube/Ariyanto tutor

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