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3 Mei 2024 09:00

Without using citrus, this is a way to clean bathroom glass crust using only 1 kitchen ingredient

Stubborn crust on bathroom glass or mirrors can be cleaned quickly without taking a long time. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
foto: YouTube/SOLO EXIST

Brilio.net - The bathroom is one of the dampest rooms. This is because the bathroom is quite often exposed to water. Due to the humidity in the room, it is not uncommon for the walls and floor of the bathroom to grow moss. Not only that, sometimes it is also filled with crust.

These crusty stains are also often found on bathroom glass. Usually crusts appear due to remaining water spots that are not wiped dry or foam left over from bath soap that is not rinsed thoroughly. As a result, the glass becomes opaque and can no longer be used.

Special tricks are needed to remove the crust stains . Some people also add citrus when cleaning bathroom mirrors. The reason is, citrus is believed to help fade stubborn stains. But if the stock of citrus at home is running out, you don't need to worry because there are still other methods you can try.

As pointed out by YouTube user SOLO EXIST. In one of his video uploads, he admitted that he cleaned his bathroom glass with just 1 easily available kitchen ingredient.

Tricks for cleaning bathroom glass crust using only 1 kitchen ingredient

After investigating, the kitchen ingredient used is vinegar. First of all, prepare a medium-sized spray bottle. If so, pour the vinegar into a spray bottle (without mixing it with water).

Next, vinegar can be used directly to clean the glass. To do this, spray vinegar all over the crusty glass surface. After that set aside some time.

"We just spray it evenly over the entire surface of the bathroom glass. We wait at least 5 minutes for the vinegar acid to react," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube SOLO EXIST on Thursday (2/5).

Tricks for cleaning bathroom glass crust using only 1 kitchen ingredient

After letting it sit for 5 minutes, rub the glass surface with the help of a wire wool. Even though the surface is rough, the wire wool will not scratch the glass.

"We scrub it with wire wool to get maximum cleanliness," he explained.

Tricks for cleaning bathroom glass crust using only 1 kitchen ingredient

After rubbing for a while, rinse the bathroom glass with water until it is completely clean. The result is that the crust that was previously attached to the glass has completely faded and lifted. The appearance of the glass is shiny again, like new.

"It's clean, right? It looks different from before, right?" he concluded.

How to prevent moldy bathroom glass.

Preventing mold growth on bathroom mirrors requires a combination of maintaining regular cleanliness and creating an environment that does not support mold growth. Here are some ways to prevent bathroom glass from mold:

1. Clean regularly.

Clean the bathroom mirror regularly using a special glass cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar. Wipe the glass surface with a clean cloth or sponge after showering or when cleaning the bathroom as a whole.

2. Reduce humidity.

Bathroom mirrors tend to be an ideal place for mold to grow due to the high humidity. After showering, be sure to dry the bathroom mirror with a towel to reduce moisture and prevent mold growth.

3. Good ventilation.

Make sure the bathroom has good ventilation to reduce air humidity. Install an extractor fan or open a window after showering to let in fresh air and help dry out the bathroom.

4. Use a mold barrier.

Use a mold barrier product designed specifically for bathroom glass. This product helps prevent mold growth by coating the glass surface and creating a barrier against moisture.

5. Check and repair tightness.

Make sure there are no water leaks around the bathroom glass that could cause excess moisture. Repair any seals or cracks that may cause water to build up around the glass.

6. Avoid storing items near glass.

Avoid storing wet bath items or towels near the bathroom mirror, as this can increase humidity and accelerate mold growth.

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