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26 Mei 2024 13:30

Without spraying poison, this is an effective trick to get rid of cockroaches using only 2 kitchen ingredients

Reporting from angi.com, this animal carries various types of bacteria that can be transmitted, such as diarrhea and dysentery. Nadhifah
foto: YouTube/infarm.id; Instagram/@scentmark.official

Brilio.net - Some people consider cockroaches to be ordinary animals, so they just leave them alone. However, many people panic when they see cockroaches roaming around the house. Moreover, as reported by angi.com, this animal also carries various types of bacteria that can be transmitted, such as diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid fever.

To minimize this from happening, you must immediately get rid of cockroaches so they don't breed in the house. A number of people use various methods to get rid of them, such as making traps or spraying poison liquid on cockroaches.

Cockroach traps can be made from simple tools such as used bottles filled with food bait. Just put it in the corners of the house where cockroaches often pass. On the other hand, you can also spray poison liquid if you see cockroaches directly. Within seconds, the cockroach immediately goes limp and dies.

But you don't just have to use these two methods, it turns out there are other methods that can be practiced to get rid of cockroaches at home. The method was done by Instagram user @scentmark.official. In his video upload, this netizen appears to be relying on two kitchen ingredients to repel cockroaches. Curious about how?

How to get rid of cockroaches.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @scentmark.official on Sunday (26/5), the two kitchen ingredients used were baking soda and cucumber . The first step, first cut the cucumber into several pieces. In the video, it appears that a cucumber can be cut into 6 parts.

photo: Instagram/@scentmark.official

Once done, put all the cucumber slices on a wooden cutting board. Then, put baking soda on the piece of wood. Yes, you don't need to dissolve baking soda in water.

photo: Instagram/@scentmark.official

To apply it, just put cucumber slices in the corners of the house where cockroaches often pass. This netizen was seen putting cucumber slices under the table, behind the door, and behind the refrigerator.

"Leave it and wait overnight, tomorrow they (cockroaches) will give up going there again," explained the owner of the video.

photo: Instagram/@scentmark.official

Not without reason, as reported by the page pestcare.id, cockroaches are known to not like the aroma of cucumbers. This is what keeps cockroaches away from the house. It's easy, right?

How to prevent cockroaches from entering through the bathroom.

Dealing with the problem of cockroaches getting into the bathroom can be a challenge, but there are steps you can take to reduce the chances of them getting in. Here are some effective ways to prevent cockroaches from entering the bathroom:

1. Maintain cleanliness.

- Clean the bathroom regularly to remove food and water sources that can attract cockroaches.
- Throw away rubbish regularly and make sure the rubbish bin is tightly closed.

2. Close gaps and cracks.

- Check and close all cracks and crevices in walls, floors and around pipes that could provide entry points for cockroaches.
- Use sealant or filler to close the gap.

3. Install traps and repellent.

- Use cockroach traps that can be placed around the bathroom.
- Consider using natural repellants such as bay leaves, cucumber, or essential oils (such as peppermint oil or tea tree oil) that are known to repel cockroaches.

4. Reduce humidity.

- Cockroaches like damp places. Make sure the bathroom has good ventilation to reduce humidity.
- Use a dehumidifier if necessary to keep humidity levels low.

5. Use of insecticides.

- Spray insecticide around areas where cockroaches often pass, such as around pipes and drains.
- Make sure to follow the instructions for using insecticides carefully and store these chemical products in a safe place out of reach of children.

By taking these steps, you can reduce the chances of cockroaches entering your bathroom and maintain a cleaner, healthier environment.

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