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11 Juni 2024 19:00

Without scrubbing, here's how to wash a dirty, brown doll so it's maximally clean, just add 1 kitchen ingredient

The doll is clean again, making it comfortable to hold it again. Nadhifah
foto: YouTube/gizta channel

Brilio.net - Do you have a favorite doll at home? If so, the doll must have been taken everywhere. But try to remember, when was the last time you washed it?

The reason is, if you rarely clean it, the appearance of the doll can become dirty. In fact, it's not uncommon for dolls to smell bad. Instead of being comfortable to hug, dirty dolls actually become a nest for various diseases.

Knowing this, a number of people immediately soaked and scrubbed the dolls with detergent solution. After rubbing it for a while, the appearance of the doll looked shiny again.

But if you don't want to get tired, you can wash the doll with the help of a washing machine. As done by YouTube user gizta channel. In his video upload, this netizen shows every step when washing a dirty doll.

The stage of washing the doll using kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from the YouTube gizta channel on Tuesday (11/6), pour a large amount of water into the washing machine. This is to ensure that the doll will be completely soaked in the cleaning solution. If so, add enough bleach.

photo: YouTube/gizta channel

If so, put detergent according to taste into the washing machine. To get maximum clean results, this netizen also added one kitchen ingredient, namely dishwashing soap, as a cleaning mixture.

photo: YouTube/gizta channel

After that, close the washing machine and turn it on as usual. The washing process only takes around 10-25 minutes. Once the washing machine is off, lift the doll.

photo: YouTube/gizta channel

Without needing to scrub at all, just move the doll directly into the dryer. Close the dryer then turn it on as usual.

photo: YouTube/gizta channel

Once the doll has been dried, it can be dried in the sun. When it's dry, the results will be visible to the doll. It looks clean instantly. No more brownish stains sticking to the entire surface of the doll.

photo: YouTube/gizta channel

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