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9 Mei 2024 23:00

Without rubbing with shampoo, here's how to clean a dirty motorbike engine block so it shines using 2 kitchen ingredients

The kitchen ingredients used are easy to get, you know. It turns out to be effective in cleaning motorbike engine blocks. Nadhifah
Without rubbing with shampoo, here's how to clean a dirty motorbike engine block so it shines using 2 kitchen ingredients foto: YouTube/Instan Tutor

Brilio.net - Motorcycle performance is of course determined by many factors, one of which is the cleanliness of the motorbike engine. The reason is, if it is filled with dust and dirt, the motorbike engine block will certainly not be able to work optimally. Not to mention, the appearance also looks dirty so it's not nice to look at.

To clean it, a number of people deliberately take their motorbikes to a motorbike wash. To ensure maximum cleanliness, all parts of the motorbike are usually scrubbed with special shampoo . As a result, the appearance becomes shiny because it is free from dust or dirt that sticks to it.

But you don't always have to go to a motorbike wash, because you can do it yourself at home, you know. You don't have to use special shampoo because it turns out there are simple cleaning agents that can be used to remove dirt from motorbike engine blocks.

How to clean a dirty motorbike engine block.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Instant Tutor on Thursday (9/5), this netizen seems to only rely on two kitchen ingredients, namely vinegar and baking soda to clean the engine block of his motorbike. The first step, first wipe the surface of the motorbike engine with a dry cloth. The goal is so that dust and dirt that sticks to it can fall and be released.

photo: YouTube/Instant Tutor

If so, the motorbike engine block doesn't need to be doused with water. Instead, sprinkle baking soda on the surface of the motorbike engine block. Spread the baking soda using your fingers until the entire surface of the motorbike engine block is completely covered.

photo: YouTube/Instant Tutor

Next, pour enough vinegar onto the surface of the motorbike engine block. When the vinegar is mixed with baking soda, small foam immediately appears. Reported by thespruce.com, this is because this material produces Co2 gas which is thought to be able to break down all types of dirt.

"While rubbing it with the tip of a knife to make the dirt fall out," said the owner of the video.

photo: YouTube/Instant Tutor

So that the cleaning solution works optimally, let the motorbike engine block sit for a few moments. If so, wipe the surface of the motorbike engine block using a clean rag. No need to rinse with water, the engine block's appearance immediately looks shiny, right?

photo: YouTube/Instant Tutor

What is the difference between baking soda and baking powder?

Although both are often used as rising agents in cake and bread making, baking soda and baking powder have important differences in composition and mode of action:

1. Composition.

- Baking Soda (Baking Soda).
Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, a chemical that is alkaline. When exposed to an acid, such as vinegar, yogurt, or lemon juice, baking soda releases carbon dioxide gas which helps cake or bread dough rise.

- Baking powder.
Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda, acid, and fillers or emulsifiers. This means that baking powder already contains the acid ingredients needed for the development reaction, so it does not require additional external acid ingredients.

2. How it works:

- Baking Soda (Baking Soda).
Baking soda will only release carbon dioxide gas when it reacts with acidic ingredients. Therefore, the use of baking soda often requires the addition of an acidic ingredient, such as yogurt or lemon juice, to the recipe.

- Baking powder.
Baking powder will release carbon dioxide gas twice: first, when exposed to liquid in the dough, and second, when exposed to heat during the baking process. This is because baking powder already contains the acid necessary for the reaction.

3. Usage.

- Baking Soda (Baking Soda).
Baking soda is suitable for use in dough that already contains acidic ingredients, such as typical cakes such as brownies or chocolate cake.

- Baking powder.
Baking powder is more versatile because it contains all the ingredients needed for the development reaction. This makes it more suitable for use in a variety of dough types, including bread, cakes, and pies.

So, even though both have a function as raising agents in making cakes and bread, baking soda and baking powder have significant differences in composition and mode of action. The choice between the two depends on the recipe used and the specific needs in the manufacturing process.

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