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4 Juni 2024 08:00

Without making traps, this is a natural and effective trick to get rid of flies using 3 kitchen ingredients

Food that is infested with flies usually becomes unhygienic because it is contaminated with bacteria. You must know how to get rid of it so that your food is safe. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Without making traps, this is a natural and effective trick to get rid of flies using 3 kitchen ingredients foto: Instagram/@sitikomariahmaria; Instagram/@fumida_id

Brilio.net - Flies are one of the annoying insects. Why not, flies often fly and land on food. In fact, food that is infested with flies usually becomes unhygienic because it is contaminated with bacteria. Flies can spread various types of diseases, including dysentery, cholera, and salmonella, through contact with contaminated food and surfaces.

To prevent this, there are various ways that can be done. Starting from keeping the house clean to eradicating flies that have spread. When they want to get rid of flies, some people usually make traps in the form of glue.

However, apart from making traps, there are also other ways you can eradicate and get rid of flies at home. An Instagram user @sitikomariahmaria once shared this trick in one of the uploaded videos. He admitted that he only used three kitchen ingredients to repel flies naturally and effectively.

How to get rid of flies naturally.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @sitikomariahmaria on Monday (3/6), the kitchen ingredients in question are vinegar, baking soda and dishwashing soap . These three ingredients contain ingredients that are effective in making flies go away by themselves. Apart from that, the lingering aroma will prevent flies from coming again.

photo: Instagram/@sitikomariahmaria

For further instructions on how to use it, prepare a bowl first. After that, pour enough water. If so, add baking soda, vinegar and dish soap. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

photo: Instagram/@sitikomariahmaria

Next, transfer this liquid to a spray bottle. Then immediately spray all parts of the house that are often visited by flies. Well, the aroma emitted by this liquid will make flies leave and be reluctant to come back.

photo: Instagram/@sitikomariahmaria

Basically, a number of these ingredients have special ingredients that can repel flies. Vinegar has a very strong and sharp odor that flies don't like. The smell of vinegar can irritate flies' sense of smell, so these insects tend to stay away from areas that have the smell of vinegar.

On the other hand, baking soda has abrasive properties and can be used as a natural cleaner to remove food residue and dirt that can attract flies. Although baking soda does not have a strong odor that can repel flies like vinegar, using baking soda in a vinegar mixture can create a chemical reaction that produces bubbles and carbon dioxide gas. Well, this reaction can have an uncomfortable effect on flies.

But apart from eradicating and repelling flies, you also have to create a clean environment. For example, close the trash can neatly. Clean the kitchen immediately after processing meat or seafood. Well, you can also use aromatherapy candles to prevent flies from entering the house and kitchen.

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