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17 Mei 2024 11:00

Without baking soda solution, here's a trick for cleaning a fan without disassembling it, just add 1 kitchen ingredient

Dirt will make the air produced by the fan dirty or dusty. Nadhifah
Without baking soda solution, here's a trick for cleaning a fan without disassembling it, just add 1 kitchen ingredient YouTube/RESEP WARUNG MAMI

Brilio.net - Fans are used to keep the indoor temperature fresh and cool. Not infrequently, some people turn on fans indoors all day. This is what makes the fan dirty quickly.

If you look closely, the front and blades of the fan are covered in dust and other types of dirt. Apart from being unsightly, this dirt will make the air produced by the fan dirty or dusty.

So, this fan full of dust must be cleaned immediately . A number of people ended up dismantling the fan parts one by one. After that, wash all parts of the fan using a baking soda solution. Then rinse, dry, and reinstall the fan as before.

Unfortunately, cleaning the fan manually is quite energy-intensive and takes a lot of time. No need to worry, because there is a more practical way to clean a fan full of dust. The method was shown by YouTube user MAMI'S WARUNG RECIPE.

"This is a way to clean the fan without having to remove the lid," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube REEP WARUNG MAMI on Friday (17/5).

The trick to cleaning a fan without disassembling it is just add 1 kitchen ingredient.

The first step, place a fan on the terrace or outside the house. Then clean the dust on the front of the fan using a brush.


After that, mix the cleaning solution first. It appears he mixed warm water with citrus in a spray bottle. For maximum cleanliness, he also added one kitchen ingredient, namely dishwashing soap. Close the spray bottle then shake until mixed evenly.


If so, spray the cleaning solution that has been made onto all parts of the fan. Make sure to do it slowly so that the cleaning solution does not get on the fan engine.


After that, attach the plastic bag so that it covers the fan. Tie it tight then turn on the fan at highest speed for 10 minutes. This aims to ensure that all dust and dirt can come out and be collected in the plastic bag.


Turn off the fan then remove the crackle. Wipe the surface of the fan with a clean cloth.


As a result, the fan is maximally clean without the slightest dust.

How to make dish soap more foamy.

To make dishwashing soap more foamy, you can try the following methods.

1. Use hot water.

Hot water is more effective at producing foam than cold water. When washing dishes, use warm or hot water to increase the amount of suds.

2. Add a little sugar.

Adding a little sugar to dish soap can help increase the lather. Sugar can act as a foam stabilizer, making the foam more abundant and longer lasting.

3. Use the right sponge.

Choose a sponge with a rougher texture. A rough sponge will produce foam more easily than a soft sponge.

4. Add baking soda.

Adding a little baking soda to dish soap can also increase the amount of suds. Baking soda helps reduce the surface tension of water, so the soap foams more easily.

5. Shake the soap bottle.

Before use, shake the dish soap bottle to mix well. This can help increase the amount of foam produced when used.

By following the tips above, you can make dishwashing soap more foamy, so washing dishes is easier and more effective.

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