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3 Mei 2024 06:00

Without baking soda, here's a trick for increasing the amount of dishwashing soap so it stays foamy using 1 kitchen ingredient

The quantity can be up to 5 times but the foam is still a lot. Nadhifah
foto: Facebook/Kabar Populer

Brilio.net - Dish washing soap is one of the ingredients that you must have in the kitchen. The reason is, this soap is used to clean various kitchen utensils. If you cook often, using dish soap will certainly be wasteful.

Therefore, a number of people are looking for ways to save on using dishwashing soap . One of them is by increasing the amount of dishwashing soap. Not a few people choose to add baking soda solution to dishwashing soap. As a result, the quantity of dishwashing soap is greater. Unfortunately, the foam produced by dishwashing soap is reduced.

So that you don't fail like that, you can copy the method for increasing the amount of dishwashing soap shown by Facebook user Popular News. In the video upload, it appears that this netizen only relies on one kitchen ingredient. Curious about how?

How to add more dish soap.

Reported by BrilioFood from Facebook Popular News on Thursday (2/5), one kitchen ingredient used is salt. For 800 ml of dishwashing soap, this netizen uses 150 grams of salt.

To do this, put the salt in a large container. Then pour about 2 liters of water into it, stir until the salt is completely dissolved.

photo: Facebook/Popular News

When it has dissolved, then put the dishwashing soap into the container. Don't forget to add 3 more liters of water and stir slowly so that the dishwashing soap doesn't foam.

photo: Facebook/Popular News

After mixing completely, the resulting dishwashing soap is 5 liters. Even though there's a lot of it, the quality of dishwashing soap doesn't decrease, you know. This was proven when he rubbed the rag with dish soap.

"The result is that there is still a lot of foam and you can clean it," said the owner of the video.

photo: Facebook/Popular News

Knowing this, he immediately transferred the dishwashing soap into a jerry can. Because the size is 5 liters, this stock of dishwashing soap can be used in approximately a month. Household expenses become more economical, right?

photo: Facebook/Popular News

How to store salt so that it lasts a long time and doesn't water.

Storing salt so that it lasts and doesn't water requires a few simple steps. Here are some ways to do it:

1. Use a tight container.

Store salt in an airtight and tight container. An airtight container will prevent moisture from the air from getting into the salt and preventing it from watering.

2. Keep away from moisture.

Avoid storing salt in damp places, such as near the kitchen which is often exposed to steam from cooking or near the sink. Humidity can cause the salt to water quickly.

3. Add rice grains.

Adding a few grains of rice to the salt container can help absorb any moisture that may be in the container, keeping the salt dry.

4. Use silica gel.

Place several bags of silica gel in the salt container. Silica gel is an effective moisture absorber and can help keep salt dry.

5. Store in a cool and dry place.

Choose a cool, dry storage location for the salt. Avoid storing it in a place exposed to direct sunlight or too high a temperature.

By following the steps above, you can store the salt well and prevent it from watering or clumping.

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