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23 Juni 2024 14:30

This gentleman's trick for cleaning freezer frost is simple, effective, just rely on 1 used item

It doesn't take hours to do this method. Practical, saves time and energy. Shahfara Raida
This gentleman's trick for cleaning freezer frost is simple, effective, just rely on 1 used item foto: YouTube/Wans69 YouTube

Brilio.net - There are certain types of freezers that can produce frost. If left unchecked, the frost will grow thicker and take up freezer space, you know. If it is very thick, the ice will automatically become more difficult to clean.

Many people choose to turn off the refrigerator's power supply for a few hours or overnight, so that the freezer's frost can thaw by itself. However, this could make the kitchen floor muddy. Not to mention, the time required is also relatively long.

Well, the gentlemen on the Wans69 YouTube YouTube account have another trick for cleaning freezer frost, here. After all, if you try this trick, you only need one used item.

Easy steps to clean freezer frost.

photo: YouTube/Wans69 YouTube

So, the used goods in question are used plastic bottles. Before use, make a hole first in the middle of the bottle cap. Then, fill the bottle with clean water.

Next, spray water from the bottle onto the freezer ice flowers. However, first make sure that all the contents of the refrigerator have been removed and your refrigerator has been moved outside the house, so that the water doesn't make the floor of the house muddy.

photo: YouTube/Wans69 YouTube

Continuously spray water from the bottle onto the ice flower, the ice flower will melt slowly and be easily removed by hand.

"Don't force it, it will damage the freezer," stressed the owner of the YouTube account Wans69 YouTube, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (23/6).

photo: YouTube/Wans69 YouTube

Finally, if all the frost has been successfully cleaned, then dry the freezer and other areas of the refrigerator with a clean towel or cloth. Look, the netizen's refrigerator freezer on the Wans69 YouTube YouTube account now feels relieved after being frost-free, right?

photo: YouTube/Wans69 YouTube

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