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22 Juni 2024 14:30

The trick to ensuring that the floor is always durable and anti-stainless when mopped is to rely on these 3 kitchen ingredients

Mopping the floor will help remove stubborn stains such as fine dust or even food spills. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - One way to keep your house clean is to clean the floors regularly. Not only is it swept, the floor also needs to be mopped every day to keep it clean. Mopping the floor will help remove stubborn stains such as fine dust or even food spills.

Unfortunately, even though it is mopped every day, sometimes the floor still feels slippery or even smells fishy . This can indeed happen when the mop used tends to be dirty. As a result, the stains on the mop actually transfer to the floor and make it unclean.

To overcome this problem, you can copy a trick shared by Instagram user @ulfah.rahmawati. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he had a trick to make the floor always durable and anti-air when mopped. After investigating, the trick is to wash the mop regularly with kitchen ingredients.

photo: Instagram/@ulfah.rahmawati

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @ulfah.rahmawati on Friday (21/6), the kitchen ingredients in question are salt, baking soda and dishwashing soap. So, these three ingredients will later be mixed and used to wash the mop. Later the mop will be cleaner and smell better because the trapped dirt is completely shed.

To make it clearer how to use it, prepare a bucket first. After that, insert the mop. If so, add 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and 1 tablespoon of dish soap. Next, pour hot water until the mop is soaked and stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.

photo: Instagram/@ulfah.rahmawati

After that, let it sit and soak the mop for approximately 1 hour. This process will help remove all the stains and dirt on the mop. If necessary, you can rub the mop with a brush after soaking it to make it shine and smell better.

photo: Instagram/@ulfah.rahmawati

The final step, don't forget to rinse the mop until there is no residue of soap or other cleaning agents. Only then dry it in the sun until it dries. If the mop is clean, you can use it to mop the floor and get maximum results. The floor is clean , durable and of course doesn't smell fishy or musty.

photo: Instagram/@ulfah.rahmawati

This video, uploaded by Instagram user @ulfah.rahmawati, has been watched more than 27 thousand times since it was uploaded on June 10. Who would have thought, many other Instagram users claimed to have just found out about this trick. On the other hand, there are also netizens who also provide other suggestions for keeping the floors smooth and fragrant.

"Wow, I just found out, thanks mam," said Instagram @widya_ocha.

"The mop doesn't smell musty, I hate it, sometimes it smells bad after mopping. But after learning about this hack, after deep cleaning the mop becomes a mat on the floor and the shine lasts for a long time," said Instagram @menggizaswanti.

"I just found out, thanks for the info," wrote the Instagram account @witaicha23.

"I also use this method," commented the Instagram account @fanidyalvz.

"I use bleach and sunlight... with bleach, disinfectant too... then the mop shines and the items don't stay white," explained Instagram @vicluzk.

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