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6 Juli 2024 15:29

The moment the woman cut the watermelon, it actually exploded, eating too much actually caused a heart spot

Watermelon is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and B. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Watermelon is known as a fruit that contains a lot of water . The taste is so sweet and refreshing, making watermelon suitable for consumption in hot weather. Moreover, as reported by healthline.com, watermelon is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and B.

Watermelon is quite delicious if eaten straight away. But if you're bored, you can also create watermelon into an appetizing drink menu.

But before being eaten and processed, the watermelon must of course be peeled and cut first. Even though it looks easy, it turns out that cutting watermelon must be done carefully. The reason is, a TikTok user @ifayasin56 shared his experience when cutting a watermelon.

photo: TikTok/@ifayasin56

Different from usual, this netizen's watermelon shape looks unique. Not perfectly round, but oval.

photo: TikTok/@ifayasin56

When the knife presses the rind of the watermelon, the inside actually squirts out and makes a sound. Yup, the watermelon actually exploded until the owner of this video was shocked and walked backwards away from it.

"I swear this is really surprising," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @ifayasin56 on Saturday (6/7).

photo: TikTok/@ifayasin56

After daring to approach the watermelon, this netizen immediately cut it slowly. Maybe because it was cut slowly, the watermelon didn't explode anymore.

photo: TikTok/@ifayasin56

Because it had been split in two, you could see that the inside of the watermelon was no longer intact. There are parts of the watermelon that appear to have disappeared.

It turns out that incidents like this have also been experienced by several other netizens. This is proven by several responses written in the video's comments column.

"As far as I know, usually because there is a hole in the watermelon, it becomes gassy like that, and it definitely tastes a bit sour, because I used to be like that too," wrote the TikTok account @lenitaayu540.

"There's an empty space inside the watermelon, so when you poke it, the air comes out," said the TikTok account @Y.

After investigating, this could happen due to several factors. As quoted by the television station China Central Television via english.cctv.com, it is suspected that the watermelon exploded due to the use of excess chemicals. Even if it's not because of chemicals, weather factors and the size of the watermelon also influence it.

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