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26 September 2024 07:10

Surrogate mothers are at high risk of experiencing pregnancy complications, here are 7 ways to prevent them so that pregnancy remains safe

Surrogate mothers also have a higher risk of giving birth prematurely. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - The term surrogate mother may still sound foreign to some people. This term refers to a woman who lends her womb to help a couple have children. Surrogate mother is an option for couples who have difficulty having children naturally.

In this process, a woman lends her womb to carry the couple's child. Surrogate pregnancy can occur through artificial insemination with the father's sperm or through in vitro fertilization (IVF), which involves combining the mother's egg and the father's sperm. However, behind this process, surrogate mothers have a higher risk of experiencing pregnancy complications.

As reported in the Medical Daily in the Annals of Internal Medicine study, it explains that surrogate mothers have a higher risk of experiencing severe postpartum bleeding, hypertension, and preeclampsia. Not only that, surrogate mothers also have a higher risk of giving birth prematurely .

Given the high natural risk of complications, it is important to know how to prevent and manage these risks, so that surrogate mothers can undergo pregnancy safely. Well, to better understand the prevention efforts, see the full review as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (26/9).

1. Complete health check before pregnancy.

photo: freepik.com

A comprehensive health check-up before the surrogate mother begins pregnancy is a crucial step to prevent complications. According to research from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), this initial check-up should include blood tests, hormone assessments, and reproductive health evaluations.

This examination aims to detect conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders that can affect pregnancy. If health problems are found, early treatment or medication can be done to reduce the risk of complications such as preeclampsia or premature birth.

2. Psychological support during the pregnancy process.

In addition to physical challenges, surrogate mothers often face significant emotional stress. This is because pregnancy through a surrogate mother program can cause psychological stress due to the emotional connection with the assisted partner, social pressures, and even hormonal changes.

Well, according to the Journal of Women's Health, psychological support provided by professional counselors or psychologists can reduce anxiety, stress, and depression in surrogate mothers. Regular counseling sessions, both before and during pregnancy, are important to ensure that mental health remains stable.

3. Balanced nutritional intake.

Good nutrition is essential for the health of the surrogate mother as well as the development of the fetus. A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, protein, healthy fats, and fiber helps prevent complications such as anemia, gestational diabetes, and even preeclampsia.

Surrogate mothers should work with a dietitian to ensure that their nutritional intake meets their energy and nutrient needs during pregnancy. Therefore, avoiding foods high in sugar and trans fats can also help keep blood sugar and blood pressure levels stable.

4. Safe physical activity.

Regular light exercise can help maintain the fitness of surrogate mothers without increasing the risk of complications. Research from the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology shows that physical activities such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga can help improve blood circulation, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

However, exercise must be adjusted to the mother's condition, which is monitored by a doctor to avoid activities that are potentially dangerous for pregnancy.

5. Regular antenatal check-ups.

Regular antenatal check-ups are essential to monitor the health of both mother and baby. Research shows that regular medical monitoring can detect complications such as premature birth, infection, or placental problems early.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 8 check-ups during pregnancy to ensure the fetus is developing well and to identify health problems early. This way, appropriate medical intervention can be done to manage the risk of complications.

6. Avoid excessive stress.

Managing stress effectively is important for surrogate mothers, as excessive stress can increase the risk of pregnancy complications. A study from Harvard Medical School showed that relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing techniques can help reduce stress levels and improve mental health.

Therefore, it is best to avoid stressful situations and creating a supportive environment is also important to maintain emotional well-being during pregnancy.

7. Follow medical advice and guidelines.

Compliance with all medical instructions, including the use of prescribed medications and supplements, is an important factor in maintaining health during pregnancy. According to research published by the Mayo Clinic, medications recommended by a doctor to manage medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes should be taken as directed.

The use of supplements such as folic acid is also important to prevent birth defects. Ignoring medical advice can increase the risk of complications that endanger the health of the surrogate mother and her fetus.

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