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13 Januari 2025 14:00

Simple trick to melt frost in freezer without fan or hair dryer

An easy way to remove frost from your freezer with one simple ingredient. Agustin Wahyuningsih
Simple trick to melt frost in freezer without fan or hair dryer foto: TikTok/@meldan1106

Brilio.net - The refrigerator freezer functions to freeze various foods because of its low temperature, making food last longer, especially fresh side dishes such as chicken, fish, and meat. However, this low temperature also causes dew and frost to form in the freezer. If left unchecked, frost will continue to build up, harden, and be difficult to clean, making storage space even narrower. Therefore, it is important to clean frost regularly to keep the freezer spacious.

There are various ways to melt frost, such as using a fan or hair dryer. However, if these methods are troublesome, you can try a trick from a netizen on the TikTok account @meldan1106, which only requires one simple ingredient without a fan or hair dryer.

First, unplug the refrigerator and remove all the contents of the refrigerator freezer. Then, prepare a pan of water and boil it until it boils. Yup, this hot water is the main ingredient for applying this frost melting trick .

photo: TikTok/@meldan1106

While waiting for the water to boil, you can put a napkin or clean cloth in the freezer. This napkin will later be used as a base to place the pan so that it does not come into direct contact with the freezer, so it remains safe. If the water has boiled, immediately move the pan containing the hot water onto the napkin that has been placed in the freezer.

"Check regularly every 5 or 10 minutes," said TikTok account owner @meldan1106, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (13/1).

photo: TikTok/@meldan1106

The netizen familiarly called Meldan said, in just 5 minutes, the frost in his freezer had melted a lot. Meanwhile, there were some chunks of ice that could also be removed from the freezer. If there is still frost left, just continue the process of leaving the pan filled with hot water in the freezer.

Finally, when the refrigerator freezer is completely free of frost, immediately wipe all sides with a dry cloth or rag. Once done, return all food stock to the freezer and reconnect the power supply.

photo: TikTok/@meldan1106

How, even if you don't use a fan or hair dryer, the frost in the refrigerator is still easy to melt, right?

The importance of cleaning frost regularly.

Regularly cleaning frost is essential to maintain optimal freezer performance. Frost buildup not only reduces storage capacity, but also forces the refrigerator to work harder to maintain cold temperatures. As a result, electricity consumption increases and the refrigerator's lifespan can be shortened. In addition, thick frost can make it difficult for the freezer door to close tightly, making the freezer temperature unstable and the food inside it spoiling more quickly. By routinely cleaning frost, the freezer's efficiency will be maintained, and the quality of the food inside will be guaranteed.

Tips to prevent frost from building up quickly.

In addition to cleaning frost, preventive measures are also important so that you don't have to defrost the freezer often. One way is to make sure the freezer door is always tightly closed after use. Humid air from outside that enters the freezer can accelerate the formation of frost. Also, make sure not to put hot food in the freezer, because the hot steam from the food will increase humidity and accelerate the formation of dew that turns into ice. Another trick is to cover food tightly using plastic or airtight containers to reduce water vapor evaporating into the freezer.

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