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24 Desember 2024 16:00

Not many people know this is a simple way to wash a stone mortar so it doesn't get moldy easily.

Even though it can make spices more delicious, using a stone mortar is not free from various obstacles. Dwiyana Pangesthi
Not many people know this is a simple way to wash a stone mortar so it doesn't get moldy easily.

Brilio.net - Stone mortar is a kitchen utensil that is often used to process food ingredients. Although many modern grinding machines are available, stone mortars are still maintained by many people. Some people believe that stone mortars can produce better texture and flavor of spices because of the even and natural grinding process.

Although it can make spices more delicious, the use of stone mortars is not free from various obstacles. Problems that often arise include cracked mortars, sandy surfaces, less efficient for grinding large amounts of ingredients, and mold growth on the surface of the mortar. Mold usually appears because the remaining spices that stick are not immediately cleaned after use, but are left alone. As a result, the surface of the mortar is covered in white or green spots which are mold, so that the mortar cannot be used to grind food.

Usually people then soak using salt and baking soda . But if you don't have a stock of salt and baking soda, don't worry. You just need to know the trick of caring for a stone mortar to prevent mold and keep it clean. This method was shared by Instagram user Anne Permata.

In her uploaded video, she gives a tutorial on how to wash a stone mortar so that it doesn't get moldy easily. In the video, Anne shows her stone mortar whose surface is covered in white mold.

"This tip is for those of you who have washed the mortar, but the mortar still has white mold like this," he said as reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @annepermata, Tuesday (24/12).

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

The first step is to prepare a container to be filled with water. Then use the water to soak the mortar for 1.5 hours.

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

After soaking, lift and drain the stone mortar. Then wipe the stone mortar using a clean napkin. Wait a few moments until the entire surface of the mortar is slightly dry.

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

After that, prepare half a cup of rice, pour it, and pound it until it is smooth and evenly distributed throughout the mortar. After that, reuse the container and place the mortar in it. Then rinse and soak the mortar using warm water.

"Now, once it's been removed and drained, there won't be any mold in the mortar anymore, so it'll be shiny, right!" he concluded.

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