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7 Desember 2024 16:30

No need to use vinegar, here's how to remove burnt crust on the bottom of an old-fashioned frying pan using only 3 kitchen ingredients.

Usually some people will use vinegar to clean stubborn dirt. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
No need to use vinegar, here's how to remove burnt crust on the bottom of an old-fashioned frying pan using only 3 kitchen ingredients. foto: YouTube/IDE KREATIF CHANNEL

Brilio.net - Vintage pans or old pans are often a mainstay in the kitchen because of the quality of the material and the durability they offer. However, along with continuous use, these pans often experience problems with crusting and burning on the bottom or bottom.

This problem not only makes the pan dirty, but it can also affect its function in cooking. The buildup of crust and burnt can reduce the efficiency of heat and even affect the taste of food.

Crust and burnt on the pan are usually caused by food and oil residue that burns and sticks every time the pan is used. This process occurs gradually and is almost invisible at first, but over time, this crust layer becomes thicker and harder to clean.

If not handled properly, this crust can become a breeding ground for bacteria and affect the quality of the food cooked in it. In addition, a thick crust can also cause uneven heat distribution, resulting in imperfect cooking of food.

To solve this problem, it is important to clean the pan thoroughly. However, if the crust is too thick, it takes some special ingredients to clean it. Usually some people will use vinegar to clean the stubborn crust.

But if the stock of vinegar in the kitchen is running out, you can use other ingredients, like those used by YouTube user IDE KREATIF CHANNEL. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to only using simple ingredients . These ingredients can be easily found in the kitchen, you know.


As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube IDE KREATIF CHANNEL on Tuesday (3/12), the kitchen ingredients in question are lime, baking soda, and dishwashing soap. Well, how to use it, you can directly cut the lime and squeeze the juice. Then put the lime juice and skin into a bowl filled with clean water.

Next, add baking soda and dish soap to taste. Once done, stir all the ingredients until they are completely mixed. After that, pour it directly onto the bottom of the burnt pan. Then for maximum results, let it sit for about 10 minutes.


If so, immediately rub the bottom of the pan using a wire brush. If the burnt stain is too thick, you can use soft sand.

The method is to mix the sand with the cleaning agent. Then apply it to the bottom of the pan. After that, scrub again using a wire brush until the burnt crust is completely lifted. Do this process until all the black burnt crust is gone.


Next, rinse the old-school pan under running water. If there is still crust, scrub it again with the sand and cleaner. Then rinse thoroughly. Who would have thought, the crust that previously looked really thick, began to lift and the original color of the pan became more visible.

Viewed more than 361 thousand times, this video on how to remove burnt crust from the bottom of a frying pan has immediately attracted attention. Many other YouTube users then gave direct responses through the comments column. Most even admitted that they wanted to try the method directly.

" I want to try it..
To make it shiny...
"Thank you, bro, for the tips ," said YouTube @suprihatinsuprihatin220.

" Thank you for the tutorial...very helpful ," said YouTube @yadicemarien2058.

"I knew that from the start.
"We usually wash with rice ash or paser when washing dishes in the river ," said YouTube @IsranHarefa.

" It's best to use a wire brush with soap and salt and sand ," wrote the YouTube account @meialberta680.

" I want to try it... my frying pan is also confident of being burnt ," commented the YouTube account @wiwidmurwidiyati3741.

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