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29 Mei 2024 14:00

No need to use traps, this is an effective trick to get rid of lizards using only 2 kitchen ingredients

Guaranteed auto escape lizard. Dwiyana Pangesthi
foto: YouTube/@Amnaifa Channel ; YouTube/@Permana Cuy

Brilio.net - The presence of lizards in the house is very disturbing for some people. Not without reason, this animal often leaves feces in several areas of the house, from the walls, floor of the house, to the bed. It is not uncommon for lizards to leave droppings on the dining table. Not surprisingly, many people use traps to keep lizards away.

However, this trap apparently is not always effective. The reason is that sometimes lizards come back and dirty the furniture. However, it is different from netizens on the Amnaifa Channel YouTube account. Instead of making traps, he actually made a potion that was effective in repelling lizards.

This netizen admitted that the pipette contained a lizard repellent potion that he had prepared himself. He uses 2 kitchen ingredients, namely garlic and ground pepper.

photo: YouTube/@Amnaifa Channel

"We will make a powerful lizard repellent potion, friends," said the netizen.

The netizen said that these two ingredients are ingredients that lizards don't like. The steps to make this lizard repellent concoction: first slice the onion into several pieces. Then prepare pepper powder and sprinkle it to taste on the onion slices.

photo: YouTube/@Amnaifa Channel

It turns out that to make a potion to repel lizards, this netizen also needs the help of other tools such as straws, matches and soldering iron. Next, cut the straw into 4 equal lengths. Then burn one end of the straw on all parts.

photo: YouTube/@Amnaifa Channel

If so, put the garlic and pepper mixture into each straw. Then the side of the straw that is still open is closed by burning it. The result is that the two sides are close

So, so that the aroma of onions and pepper can come out, use a soldering iron to make a hole in the straw. Apparently this netizen also used double-sided tape to attach the pipette to the wall.

photo: YouTube/@Amnaifa Channel

Cut double tape the size of a pipette then stick it. You can stick this lizard repellent concoction next to the wall clock or on the side of the cupboard.

"Hopefully the lizard won't dare to come home again. Because this concoction smells very sharp, a combination of garlic and pepper," he concluded.

photo: YouTube/@Amnaifa Channel

So, are you curious to try it at home? This post about effective tricks to get rid of lizards has been watched more than 1.5 thousand times on YouTube. Who would have thought, many netizens claimed to have been helped by the video tutorial. Through the comments column, a number of netizens then expressed their gratitude for the useful knowledge in driving away lizards.

"Thank you, the knowledge is very useful," said the account @roymulyo9315

"I'm really inspired bro, there are lots of lizards in my house," wrote the account @user-jq7el7rd8p

"If you use shallots it's spicier, the song smells great," commented the account @puskesmasbangko6417

How to get rid of lizards naturally.

There are several natural ways that you can try to get rid of lizards from your house or room:

1. Betel leaves.

Lizards don't like the smell of betel leaves. You can stick betel leaves in places where lizards often appear, such as walls or between cupboards.

2. Orange peel.

The smell of orange peel can also repel lizards. You can stick or sprinkle orange peel in places where lizards often pass.

3. Peppermint oil.

Mix peppermint oil with water and spray it around the house. The smell of peppermint oil will keep lizards away.

4. Use light.

Lizards usually avoid bright light. You can leave the lights on at night in places where lizards often pass.

5. Herbal plants.

Some plants such as lavender, mint, or basil have aromas that lizards don't like. Planting these plants around the house can help keep lizards away.

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