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26 April 2024 07:00

No need to put camphor, this is a trick so that the cupboard doesn't get damp and smelly, rely on 3 kitchen ingredients

Damp cupboard conditions can also make the aroma in the cupboard smell bad, you know. Shahfara Raida

Brilio.net - Cupboards are very useful for storing clothes or other items so they don't make a mess in the house. Cupboards are usually made of wood or plastic. Generally, cupboards are equipped with tight lids, so that the items stored in them do not get dusty easily.

However, because it is often closed, the cupboard is automatically at risk of dampness. Especially for people who live in tropical regions like Indonesia, damp cupboards have become a common phenomenon. Damp cupboard conditions can also make the aroma in the cupboard smell bad, you know.

To prevent the cupboards from getting damp and smelly, many people rely on mothballs. This material is known to be effective in absorbing moisture and reducing unpleasant odors in cupboards. However, for those of you who don't want to use camphor, don't worry because there are other tricks.

One of the tricks for dealing with damp and smelly cupboards was shared by netizens on the Permacrafters YouTube account. After all, this trick can be done with just three kitchen ingredients, you know. This woman explained that since using this trick, her cupboard is no longer damp and smelly.

"The clothes in my drawers and closet started smelling funky in my new place, and I quickly realized we had a moisture problem (The clothes in my cupboard started smelling bad (pungent) after moving to a new house, I immediately realized that the cause was damp," " he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Permacrafters on Friday (26/4).

The trick to preventing damp and smelly cupboards is to rely on 3 kitchen ingredients.

The first step that must be prepared is a hollow cloth bag, for example made of canvas. Then, fill the cloth with rice, cloves and cinnamon to taste. Yup, those are the three main kitchen ingredients to practice tricks to keep your cupboards from getting damp and smelly.

Rice is known to work effectively to absorb moisture. Meanwhile, cloves and cinnamon will fade unpleasant odors while releasing a fragrant aroma in the cupboard.

photo: YouTube/Permacrafters

Tie the cloth bag containing rice, cloves and cinnamon. After that, put the bag in the cupboard, either in a corner or between clothes in the cupboard. This bag containing three kitchen ingredients can be replaced periodically if the aroma starts to fade.

photo: YouTube/Permacrafters

Wow, even without mothballs, you can still keep your cupboards from getting damp and smelly using just kitchen ingredients, right? Do you have other tricks or are you interested in trying this trick? Taking a peek at Permacrafters' YouTube upload, this video has received enthusiasm from more than 22 thousand viewers, you know.

Benefits of cinnamon for health.

Cinnamon has been used widely in traditional medicine for its various health benefits. Some of the health benefits associated with cinnamon include.

1. Lower blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity. This may benefit people with diabetes or blood sugar problems.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect.

The active substances in cinnamon have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.

3. Reduces the risk of heart disease.

Several studies show that consuming cinnamon can help reduce the risk of heart disease by improving heart health, including lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

4. Protection against infection.

Cinnamon has antimicrobial and antiviral properties that can help fight bacterial and viral infections. It can help in preventing respiratory tract infections, digestive tract infections, and skin infections.

5. Improved immune system.

Cinnamon may help improve the immune system through its antioxidant properties, which help fight cell damage and free radicals in the body.

6. Improves digestion.

Cinnamon has been used to help relieve digestive problems such as flatulence, nausea, and diarrhea.

7. Reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Some research suggests that compounds in cinnamon may help protect the brain from damage associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Although cinnamon has many potential health benefits, it is important to use it wisely and in moderation, especially for individuals who have certain health conditions or are taking certain medications. Always consult a doctor before adding new supplements or spices to your diet.

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