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17 Juli 2024 22:01

No need to make traps, here's how to get rid of mice and cockroaches at home so they don't come back

These pests spread bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli which can cause food poisoning. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - Rats and cockroaches in the house are often a problem that worries many people. These two types of pests not only cause discomfort, but also have the potential to carry various dangerous diseases. Cockroaches, for example, are known to spread bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli which can cause food poisoning. Meanwhile, rats can carry serious diseases such as leptospirosis and hantavirus, and damage home furnishings by biting through wires and building materials.

So that your house can be cleaner and free from rats and cockroaches, you have to get rid of them immediately. Usually a number of people use rat and cockroach repellent poison. However, there are also those who set traps to catch these pests.

However, did you know that instead of making traps or placing poison, you can use easier methods to get rid of mice and cockroaches. This method was once effective for Instagram user @rumah_shahia. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on simple ingredients in the kitchen to keep mice and cockroaches from coming back.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumah_shahia on Tuesday (16/7), the kitchen ingredients in question are vinegar and dishwashing soap. So, these two ingredients will later be mixed again with other ingredients, namely toothpaste and water. This mixture of a number of ingredients will make mice and cockroaches reluctant to enter the house again.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

So, to prepare it further, you can immediately prepare a bowl containing 150 ml or 1 glass of water. Then pour in 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of dishwashing soap, and 1/2 tablespoon of toothpaste. Stir until all these ingredients dissolve.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Next, put this liquid into a spray bottle. Then spray it in areas of the house where cockroaches often pass, such as under the kitchen table, cupboards or drains. The aroma of this mixture of ingredients is very strong, so it makes the cockroaches go away on their own.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

If you want to get rid of mice, you can just rely on vinegar. To do this, put vinegar in a plate. Then, take the cotton and cut it in half. After that, soak the cotton in the plate containing the vinegar. Make sure the cotton is completely wet with vinegar, okay?

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Next, place cotton in the corners of the house where mice often pass. Or if you want it simpler, you can put a container filled with vinegar water in a corner of the house. Well, the strong smell of vinegar will irritate your sharp sense of smell. Therefore, mice will no longer enter the house.

This video about how to get rid of mice and cockroaches has been viewed more than 7,000 times. Looking at the comments column, there are many other Instagram users who are interested in trying this trick. Indeed, with this trick, pests in the house can be reduced drastically, you know.

"Wow, this is quite helpful," explained Instagram @rahmasarind.

"Wow, you have to try this," said Instagram @aeni_airen.

"Thanks for the tips sis, you can try it," wrote Instagram @wiwiyannie.

"Oh my gosh, it's really powerful," wrote the Instagram account @ratnadewi0158.

"I want one that makes cockroaches," commented the Instagram account @buminia, to which the video uploader then replied, "let's try spraying it in the drain too, sis."

URL: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8orIByy-gI/

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