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19 Juni 2024 17:00

No need to buy it, this method of making a trash can from used goods is economical and easy to imitate

If you often buy trash cans, it can be wasteful too~ Nadhifah
No need to buy it, this method of making a trash can from used goods is economical and easy to imitate Instagram/@ketemuinspirasi

Brilio.net - The trash can is one of the mandatory items in the house. Not only should it be placed in the bedroom, there should also be a trash can in the kitchen. That way, the trash can can hold all the remaining cooking ingredients.

On the market, trash cans are sold in various materials and sizes. Usually a number of people buy trash cans made of plastic because they are cheap.

Even so, plastic trash cans usually break easily. Especially if it is often filled with rubbish. If it's already broken, like it or not, you have to buy a new trash can. So wasteful, right?

As a solution, you can copy how to make your own trash can from an Instagram user @ketemuinspirasi. Just relying on used goods, it could be a kitchen trash can , you know. Curious about how?

First, prepare the tools in the form of 2 used items. As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @ketemuinspira on Wednesday (19/6), the two used items were plastic bags and clothes hangers.

Take one wire clothes hanger using your bare hands. Then press both ends until the clothes hanger is bent.

photo: Instagram/@ketemuinspirasi

Once both sides are bent, pull the bottom and top of the hanger. As a result, the clothes hanger is square in shape.

photo: Instagram/@ketemuinspirasi

If so, attach the crackle to the inside or middle. So, gently press the end of the plastic bag with your hand so that it can be inserted or installed perfectly.

photo: Instagram/@ketemuinspirasi

Once installed perfectly, trim the inside using your hands. That way, the inside of the plastic bag becomes concave inward like a normal trash can, right?

photo: Instagram/@ketemuinspirasi

Just hang the hanger on the hook in the kitchen cupboard. When you want to use it, just put the trash inside the plastic bag. Only with used goods, you will have a new trash can.

photo: Instagram/@ketemuinspirasi

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