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3 Mei 2024 11:00

No need to add citrus, this is how to clean yellow crust on bathroom ceramics plus 1 kitchen ingredient

The yellow crust on the bathroom ceramics must be cleaned immediately so that it doesn't become stubborn. Shahfara Raida
No need to add citrus, this is how to clean yellow crust on bathroom ceramics plus 1 kitchen ingredient foto: TikTok/@ilovecleanin9

Brilio.net - Every day the bathroom is used either for bathing or washing clothes. It's not surprising that the ceramics in the bathroom get dirty quickly. Usually, signs of dirty bathroom tiles can be seen from the appearance of a yellow crust.

The yellow crust on the bathroom ceramics must be cleaned immediately so that it doesn't become stubborn. The reason is, if it is stubborn, the cleaning process will be even more difficult, you know. In fact, floor cleaning fluid alone is not effective enough to remove these stubborn yellow stains.

As a result, many people rely on citrus to clean yellow crust on bathroom ceramics. However, different from netizens on the TikTok account @ilovecleanin9, this woman admits that she has other tricks that are no less effective for eradicating yellow crust stains on bathroom ceramics. The trick, just use one additional kitchen ingredient.

So, are you curious about the trick?

How to clean bathroom scale.

What must be prepared is a container filled with a little water. Then, add enough dabbing soap. It doesn't stop there, you also have to add dish washing soap. Yup, dish soap is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick.

photo: TikTok/@ilovecleanin9

After all the ingredients are put into the container, stir immediately until smooth. Apply this mixture to the dirty ceramic area, then brush gently until the yellow crust disappears. You can use a special bathroom ceramic brush.

The owner of the TikTok account @ilovecleanin9 explained that he also likes to use a sponge to clean this bathroom ceramic. According to him, sponges can produce more foam, so that the process of cleaning bathroom ceramics becomes easier.

"This mix smells so fresh (This mix makes the aroma fresher)," he added, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @ilovecleanin9 on Friday (3/5).

photo: TikTok/@ilovecleanin9

Finally, if all the stains on the bathroom ceramics are gone, rinse the bathroom ceramics with running water until there is no soap left.

photo: TikTok/@ilovecleanin9

So, even without citrus, bathroom ceramics can be cleaned until they shine again, right? Taking a peek at @ilovecleanin9's TikTok upload, not many netizens have left comments, but this video has received enthusiasm from more than 8,000 viewers, you know.

How to clean a smelly dishwashing sponge.

Dishwashing sponges that are frequently used must be cleaned regularly to keep them hygienic. However, even though it has been cleaned, sometimes the sponge still emits an unpleasant odor. Here are some simple ways to clean a smelly dishwashing sponge.

1. Soak in a solution of water and vinegar.

Mix warm water with a little white vinegar in a container and soak the sponge for about 15-30 minutes. Vinegar helps kill bacteria and removes unpleasant odors.

2. Use hot water.

Rinse the sponge with hot water after each use. Hot water can help remove food residue and kill bacteria.

3. Heating with microwave.

Wet the sponge and place it in the microwave for about a minute. Heating will kill most of the bacteria that cause odors.

4. Soak in a solution of water and bleach.

If the sponge is not sensitive to bleach, you can mix warm water with a little bleach and soak the sponge for a few minutes to clean it.

5. Air drying.

Make sure the sponge is completely dry after use. Damp sponges can harbor bacteria, which can cause unpleasant odors. Place the sponge in an open, sunny place to help dry.

By using one or a combination of the methods above, you can clean your dishwashing sponge and remove unpleasant odors in a simple and effective way.

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