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25 April 2024 14:00

No need for hot water, here's how to mop the floor so it's shiny and scratchy using an additional 1 kitchen ingredient

So that the floor is comfortable to use for activities. Nadhifah
No need for hot water, here's how to mop the floor so it's shiny and scratchy using an additional 1 kitchen ingredient foto: YouTube/Mama Kembar Ahsan Ihsan

Brilio.net - The floor of the house is one of the areas that gets dirty easily, either from dust or sand carried by your feet after leaving the house. Not to mention if food or drink spills onto the floor. Like it or not, you have to immediately mop the floor to make it clean again.

To mop the floor , most people usually rely on mop liquids sold on the market. Unfortunately, usually the floor surface still feels slippery when stepped on. Not to mention, the appearance is also not optimal.

As a solution, some people deliberately add hot water to the floor cleaning solution. This material is considered to be able to make the floor surface shiny and rough.

But if you don't want to bother boiling the water first, you can copy the trick shared by YouTube user Mama Kembar Ahsan Ihsan. In his video upload, this netizen does not appear to use hot water at all as a mixture for cleaning the floors of his house.

How to mop the floor so it is shiny and rough.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Mama Twin Ahsan Ihsan on Wednesday (24/4), sweep the floor surface first. That way, large dirt can be removed. If so, wash the mop first before using it.

"When I'm here, I brush manually using dab soap and then rinse until clean," he explained.

photo: YouTube/Twin Mama Ahsan Ihsan

After that, just mix the floor cleaning solution. Pour 3 scoops of water and 1 tablespoon of floor cleaning fluid into the bucket. For maximum cleanliness, he also added one kitchen ingredient, namely 1 tablespoon of dishwashing soap as a cleaning mixture. Stir until all ingredients are completely mixed.

photo: YouTube/Twin Mama Ahsan Ihsan

Once done, dip the mop and rub it over the entire surface of the floor of the house. Try to mop the floor evenly and thoroughly, OK?

"The result is shiny and clean all day without leaving marks like spots like that," said the video owner.

photo: YouTube/Twin Mama Ahsan Ihsan

How to clean up cooking oil spills on the floor.

Cleaning cooking oil spills on the floor requires a few simple steps. Following are the steps.

1. Fast action.

As soon as an oil spill occurs, take immediate action to prevent the oil from spreading further and absorbing into the floor surface.

2. Use tissue paper or absorbent cloth.

Use tissue paper or an absorbent cloth to absorb as much of the spilled oil as possible. Place a tissue paper or cloth on the spill and press gently to absorb the oil.

3. Sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch.

After absorbing as much oil as possible, sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch over the oil spill. Baking soda and cornstarch will absorb any remaining oil remaining on the surface of the floor.

4. Let it soak.

Let the baking soda or cornstarch soak into the oil for a few minutes. This will help remove any remaining oil from the floor surface.

5. Broom or vacuum cleaner.

After the baking soda or cornstarch has been absorbed, use a broom or vacuum cleaner to clean up the remaining baking soda or cornstarch together with the absorbed oil. Make sure to clean gently so as not to damage the floor.

By following the steps above, you can clean cooking oil spills on the floor effectively. Be sure to act quickly and take precautions to prevent the oil from absorbing deeper into the floor surface.

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