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25 Agustus 2024 12:30

No need for hot water, here's a trick to mopping the floor so it's dry, just add 2 kitchen ingredients

Don't just use floor cleaner, mix these ingredients to make your floor shiny and fragrant. Nadhifah
foto: TikTok/@firliily_

Brilio.net - Maintaining the cleanliness of the house floor has many benefits for the health and comfort of its occupants. A clean floor can minimize the risk of slipping and falling, especially in areas that are often passed by the occupants of the house. By routinely cleaning the floor, you can also reduce the potential for allergies caused by dust and dirt that accumulates over time.

In addition, clean floors also create a cooler and more comfortable home atmosphere, so that residents can feel more at home and calm when they are in the house. Cleaning the floor regularly also plays a role in creating a healthier living environment, reducing health risks from dust, and making the house a more pleasant place to live. Therefore, keeping the floor clean is not just about appearance, but also about ensuring that the house remains a safe, comfortable, and free from risks that can endanger the health of residents.

To keep the floor of the house clean, it is important to mop it regularly. Some people choose to mop every day or every two days. Some people also use hot water when mopping, because it is considered more effective in keeping the floor clean. In this way, the floor will remain clean, dry, and free from dust.

But it doesn't always have to use hot water, it turns out that using regular water can also make the floor dry and shiny again. The method was shown by TikTok user @firliily_. It can be seen in the video upload, this netizen mixed a special cleaning solution when mopping the floor of his house.

photo: TikTok/@firliily_

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @firliily_ on Saturday (8/24), put 2 tablespoons of salt into a bucket. Then add 1 tablespoon of dish soap as a mixture. To make the scent last longer, this netizen also poured floor freshener liquid into the bucket.

photo: TikTok/@firliily_

Once done, immediately pour plain water into the bucket. Stir until all ingredients are perfectly mixed. Next, dip the mop into the bucket containing the cleaning solution. After that, squeeze it until there is no water left on the mop.

photo: TikTok/@firliily_

Then, wipe the mop on the floor surface evenly and thoroughly. In one wipe, the floor immediately looks shiny. Because it is clean, the floor surface is not slippery and perfectly dry.

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