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17 September 2024 16:00

Knowing the difference between cow's milk and fish milk, which is better for health?

The uniqueness of fish milk lies in its nutritional content, especially omega-3, which is believed to be good for brain development and heart health. Agustin Wahyuningsih
foto: pexel.com; pixabay.com

Brilio.net - Recently, fish milk has been discussed as an alternative to cow's milk. The topic of fish milk emerged because it was mentioned as an alternative to cow's milk in the Free Nutritious Meal (MBG) program owned by the president and vice president elect, Prabowo and Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

The uniqueness of fish milk lies in its nutritional content, especially omega-3, which is believed to be good for brain development and heart health. However, although fish milk sounds promising, many are still doubtful whether this milk can compete with the benefits of cow's milk which has long been known as the main source of calcium. So, what exactly is the difference between the two, and which is better for health?

What are cow's milk and fish milk made from?

Cow's milk, as the name suggests, comes from cows and has long been an important part of people's diets around the world. It is known to be rich in calcium, protein, and vitamins such as B12 and A, all of which support body function.

Fish milk, on the other hand, is a liquid extracted from fish, particularly those high in omega-3s, such as sardines or salmon. This extraction creates a product that has a distinct fishy taste, which may take some getting used to for new consumers.

In fact, fish milk was launched in August 2023 by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KemenkopUKM). The first fish milk in Indonesia produced by a partnership between the Mina Bahari Fishermen's Cooperative (Indramayu, West Java) and PT Beri Teknologi Indonesia is actually intended to encourage downstreaming of fishery products.

The process of making cow's milk and fish milk.

The process of making cow's milk involves milking from cows, which is then pasteurized to kill pathogenic bacteria and enriched with additional vitamins. After that, the milk is further processed according to the type of product produced, such as low-fat milk or full cream milk.

Meanwhile, fish milk requires a more complex process. Fish oil is extracted, processed to remove the fishy odor, and then mixed with additional ingredients to improve its texture and nutritional content. Because of this process, fish milk may have a different taste and a more pungent aroma than cow's milk.

Usually fish milk is made from sea fish such as cod and mackerel which are rich in Omega-3 and protein. That is also why, this drink is more appropriately called a protein drink than milk, because it is not like milk produced by land mammals such as cows or goats.

Differences in nutritional content and health impacts.

In terms of nutrition, cow's milk is superior in calcium content which is important for bones and teeth, and contains phosphorus and magnesium which also support bone health. In addition, vitamins A and B12 found in cow's milk play a role in supporting overall body function.

Fish milk, although lower in calcium, offers the advantage in omega-3 and vitamin D content, which are beneficial for heart and brain health. Omega-3 in fish milk can help prevent cardiovascular disease and support brain development, especially in children. However, fish milk cannot be considered a complete substitute for cow's milk if the main goal is to meet calcium needs.

Who can consume cow's milk and fish milk?

Cow's milk is generally safe for consumption by various age groups, including children, teenagers, and adults. However, some people with lactose intolerance or cow's milk allergies need to look for other alternatives, such as plant milk or fish milk.

Fish milk, on the other hand, can be an alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or want to increase their omega-3 intake. However, people with fish allergies should avoid this product. Because of its strong taste, fish milk may require some taste adjustments to be enjoyed by many people.

Which is better between cow's milk and fish milk?

Ultimately, the choice between cows milk and fish milk comes down to an individuals nutritional needs. If youre looking for a source of calcium for bone health, cows milk is the best choice. However, for those looking to increase their omega-3 intake, fish milk offers its own benefits, especially for heart and brain health. Both types of milk can complement each other in a balanced diet, depending on each persons nutritional needs.

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