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8 Februari 2024 16:00

Instead of soaking it in dish soap, this is how to wash fleece towels so they are clean, just add 2 kitchen ingredients

The maximum cleaning process utilizes two simple ingredients. Shahfara Raida
foto: YouTube/Bunda Dewi

Brilio.net - Towels that are frequently used must be washed regularly to keep them clean and hygienic. So don't be surprised if towels that haven't been washed for a long time can turn fuzzy or dirty. Because too many stains have accumulated on the towel.

Reporting from healthline.com, to stay hygienic, experts in the health sector recommend washing towels twice a week or after using them 3 times. If it's already rotten, don't worry just yet because there are still a number of ways to clean it.

Usually, people choose to soak fleece towels in a solution of dish soap, hot water, or citric acid. However, unlike netizens on Bunda Dewi's YouTube account, she admits that she has another method that is no less effective for washing fleece towels so they are clean again, you know. According to him, just use two kitchen ingredients .

"This towel has changed color, at first it was blue but has turned black because it is dirty," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from Mother Dewi's YouTube on Wednesday (7/2).

So, the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and vinegar. Put these two ingredients in a bucket filled with enough clean water. The dosage can also be adjusted, namely to wash 1 towel, you can use 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

photo: YouTube/Mother Goddess

Next, soak the towel you want to wash in a mixture of these two kitchen ingredients. The netizen who is familiarly known as Bunda Dewi said that he soaked it for around 1 to 2 hours. However, to maximize the cleaning process, you can soak it longer.

photo: YouTube/Mother Goddess

After soaking for several hours, discard the soaking water and rinse the towel. After that, wash the towels with detergent as usual. You can rub, brush, or wash towels in a washing machine. Finally, just rinse, wring and dry the towel until dry before using it again.

photo: YouTube/Mother Goddess

Netizens on Bunda Dewi's YouTube account said that the towels which were originally blackish super fluffy are now much cleaner. Well, the difference is obvious, right?

photo: YouTube/Mother Goddess

How do you usually wash your towels? Taking a peek at Mother Dewi's YouTube upload which has been watched 113 thousand times, quite a few netizens have given enthusiastic comments or shared other ways to wash dirty towels.

"If you want clean results, add citrus and detergent, " added YouTube @tribahtiar9863.

"You should brush it and soak it for a few hours," wrote YouTube @widyawigati7223.

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