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17 Juni 2024 17:00

Instead of smearing it with oil, this is how to remove stickers on glass bottles so they are rough and clean from glue residue

If you pull it straight away, there will be residual glue stuck to it and it will be more difficult to clean. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Instead of smearing it with oil, this is how to remove stickers on glass bottles so they are rough and clean from glue residue foto: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Brilio.net - Glass bottles are usually used to package drinks, soy sauce or even sauces. After the contents are used up, many people reuse the glass bottle as a container for other liquids. Therefore, the sticker label attached will be cleaned to make it look more beautiful.

However, removing stickers on glass bottles is not an easy job, you know. If you pull it straight away, there will be residual glue stuck to it and it will be more difficult to clean. For this reason, some people usually apply oil to the sticker to make it easier to rub.

But you know what? Actually, there are other methods that can be used to remove stickers on glass bottles more easily. This trick was shared by a Facebook user named Fitri Rahmawati. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only applied one method to make the stickers easy to peel off quickly without leaving any glue.

Easy steps to remove stickers from glass bottles.

Reported by BrilioFood on Monday (17/6), the method used is to soak the glass bottle first. So, this soaking process is important so that the stickers that stick can soften. That way, the sticker on the glass bottle will be easy to clean later.

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

For a clearer method, prepare a bucket or container that will be used to soak the bottles. After that, pour in a little dishwashing soap and quite a lot of hot water. If so, insert the glass bottle into it. Make sure the surface of the sticker can be completely submerged, okay?

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

So for maximum results, you should soak this glass bottle for 30 minutes. If the sticker is thick enough, you can soak it for a longer duration. This aims to make the sticker and glue soften.

When it has been soaked, remove the glass bottle. Then rub the sticker on the surface of the glass bottle using wire wool. Keep rubbing until the entire surface of the sticker is completely peeled off. While scrubbing, rinse the bottle occasionally. That way, the remaining glue that is attached will also fall off.

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Apart from soaking with hot water and soap, stickers on glass bottles can also be removed in other ways, you know. One of the easiest ways to imitate is to rely on hot steam. You can use a hairdryer or steam iron at home.

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

To do this, simply point the hairdryer or iron directly at the sticker on the surface of the glass bottle. After that, let it sit for 1-2 minutes so that the sticker softens and the adhesive starts to melt. If so, immediately peel off the sticker manually using your hands or a scraper. Make sure to do this process quickly because when it cools, the adhesive or glue can harden again.

This post about tricks for removing glass bottle stickers has been viewed more than 17 thousand times. Who would have thought, many other Facebook users also responded directly in the comments column. Most netizens expressed their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.

"Thank you, ready to try," said Kang Hari on Facebook.

"It's easy to peel off, bro," said Raffi Mamah Sisil Denise on Facebook.

"I have lots of bottles I want to try," wrote Harianku's Facebook Daily.

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