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29 Maret 2024 21:00

Instead of scrubbing with baking soda, here's a quick trick to clean turmeric stains on hands and nails using 1 ingredient

The yellow color in turmeric comes from the curcumin content. Nadhifah
HL: Instagram/@indah3yani

Brilio.net - Turmeric is a type of spice that is often used for cooking. Not only is it a basic cooking spice, turmeric can also be processed into the main ingredient in various herbal drinks or herbal medicine. Not without reason, turmeric does contain nutrients that are good for the body. Reporting from healthline.com, if consumed regularly, the content in turmeric can support kidney health and maintain body stamina.

Before use, turmeric must be peeled first. Because the size of turmeric is relatively small, like it or not, you have to peel them one by one with a knife. This process is what makes the yellow color of turmeric on the hands. Sometimes it even leaves marks on the surface of the nails.

After investigating, the yellow color in turmeric comes from the curcumin content. Because the color is relatively thick, removing turmeric stains on hands and nails is a task in itself. Even after washing your hands repeatedly, turmeric stains are usually still clearly visible.

Knowing this, a number of people deliberately rub their hands with baking soda. After rubbing for a while, the turmeric stains on the hands and nails looked faint and even disappeared.

But if you run out of baking soda at home, you can replace it with other cleaning agents. As did Instagram user @indah3yani. In his video upload, he appears to show the appearance of his fingers and nails after peeling turmeric.

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Instead of rubbing his hands with baking soda, this netizen admits that he has his own way of cleaning his hands and nails. It seems he relies on one simple ingredient, namely eucalyptus oil. This cleaning material is fairly easy to find out there.

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

To apply, simply pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil onto the turmeric-stained hand. Once done, spread it evenly and rub your hands so that the eucalyptus oil is evenly distributed.

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Without waiting a long time, the yellow stains on the hands and nails immediately disappeared and nothing remained. For maximum cleanliness, wash your hands with soap as usual. Don't forget to rub it, okay?

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Finally, rinse your hands with running water. Make sure there are no more turmeric stains or remaining eucalyptus oil still stuck to your hands and nails. It's easy how to do it, right?

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

This video immediately caught the attention of many people. Some netizens even left direct responses in the video comments column.

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

"Oh, so this is how it works... thanks mam for the info," wrote the Instagram account @ikasyahriana, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (29/3).

"This is important information I just found out how to make a cake like this sis"," said the Instagram account @sheylla.margaretta.

How to store turmeric so it doesn't rot and lasts a long time.

To store turmeric so it doesn't rot and lasts a long time, you can follow the following steps.

1. Choose fresh turmeric.

Choose turmeric with bright skin and no signs of damage such as spots or excess moisture.

2. Dry well.

Before storing it, make sure the turmeric is completely dry. You can wipe it with a clean kitchen tissue to remove excess moisture.

3. Store in a dry place.

Place the turmeric in a clean, dry container. Avoid damp places because moisture can accelerate mold growth and rot.

4. Store in a cool place.

Ideally, store turmeric in a cool, dark place such as a kitchen cupboard or refrigerator. Avoid storing it in a place that is too warm or exposed to direct sunlight.

5. Use a porous plastic bag.

If you want to store turmeric in a plastic bag, make sure the bag is porous so air can flow. This helps prevent moisture buildup inside the bag which can speed up spoilage.

By following the steps above, you can extend the shelf life of turmeric and keep it fresh for longer.

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