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12 Mei 2024 15:30

Instead of rubbing with toothpaste, this is an effective trick to remove sticky stains on the iron using 1 kitchen spice

The iron can function as it should, without dragging when used. Nadhifah
Instead of rubbing with toothpaste, this is an effective trick to remove sticky stains on the iron using 1 kitchen spice foto: TikTok/@alkider88

Brilio.net - Have you ever experienced wanting to iron clothes but the iron is sticky? After investigating, this incident was caused by several factors, such as the iron being used to iron screen-printed clothes so that the melt stuck to the iron plate. Not only that, temperatures that are too hot can also cause the iron to burn so that it becomes sticky when rubbed on the surface of the clothes.

If you just leave it like that, this sticky stain will become even blacker. Not to mention, the iron can't be used optimally. Like it or not, you have to clean the sticky stains on the iron plate.

Instead of scraping it using a sharp tool such as a knife, some people deliberately rub the iron plate using toothpaste. After rubbing for a while, the sticky stains on the iron plate disappeared. If that's the case, the iron can be used again as usual.

But don't just use toothpaste, it turns out there are other effective cleaning agents that can be used to remove sticky stains on iron plates. The method was demonstrated by TikTok user @alkhider88. In his video upload, this netizen appears to be replacing toothpaste with a kitchen spice. Curious about how?

Effective trick to remove sticky stains on the iron.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @alkider88 on Sunday (12/5), one kitchen spice used is coarse salt. To do this, first put coarse salt on greaseproof paper. Make sure the salt is placed in a spread position, OK?

photo: TikTok/@alkider88

If so, plug the iron cable into electrical power. Wait a few moments until the iron becomes very hot. After that, immediately put it and rub the iron plate with a sprinkle of salt.

photo: TikTok/@alkider88

Because the texture of salt is relatively rough, the sticky stains on the iron plate will peel off by themselves. This can be seen after the iron is rubbed in coarse salt for a while. It appears that the surface of the iron plate is clean and shiny again because it is free from sticky stains.

photo: TikTok/@alkider88

How to store salt so that it lasts a long time and doesn't water when stored.

There are several ways to store salt so that it lasts a long time and doesn't water when stored:

1. Store in a tight container.

Salt should be stored in an airtight container, such as a glass jar or tight-fitting plastic container. Make sure the lid is tightly closed after each use to prevent air from entering the container.

2. Add rice grains or seeds.

Putting a few grains of rice or beans into the salt container can help absorb moisture that can make the salt soggy.

3. Use an air dryer.

You can also consider using an air dryer in your salt storage container. This air dryer is available in various forms, such as silica gel or special air dryer sachets.

4. Avoid humidity.

Make sure the salt storage area is protected from excessive humidity. Store the salt in a dry, cool place, away from showers or areas that frequently get wet.

5. Keep away from heat and direct light.

Direct heat and light can affect the texture and quality of salt. Store salt in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality.

With these methods, you can ensure that your salt remains dry and lasts a long time in storage.

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