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29 Juni 2024 02:30

How to make typical Riau mackerel otak-otak, delicious and suitable as a snack at home

It tastes delicious, guaranteed you can't stop adding more. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Otak-otak can be a snack choice to eat while relaxing at home. After investigating, otak-otak is a typical Riau food. Its delicious taste is guaranteed to make anyone who eats it unable to stop eating it . Especially if it's been dipped in peanut sauce. The following is BrilioFood, released from the Instagram account @gadis785, a recipe for typical Riau mackerel brains.

photo: Instagram/@gadis785

- 510 gr mackerel meat
- 50 gr cornstarch
- 300 grams of farmer's sago
- 4 egg whites
- 200 ml instant coconut milk
- 12 red onions
- 12 garlic cloves
- 3 tsp salt
- 4 tsp granulated sugar
- 1 tsp ground pepper
- 4 spring onions, sliced
- Cleaned banana leaves
- Staples or sticks
- Plastic piping bag
- Teflon or similar for baking

Peanut sauce:
- 250 gr peanuts, fried
- 90 gr brown sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 5 tsp granulated sugar
- 20 grams of tamarind, mix with 3 tablespoons water, remove the seeds
- 5 cloves of garlic, fried whole
- 5 red onions, fried whole
- 10 curly chilies, fried whole
- 4 lime leaves
- 3 bay leaves
- 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
- 500 ml of water
- 50 ml coconut milk

How to make peanut sauce:
1. Make peanut sauce first. Blend all ingredients together except lime leaves and bay leaves.
2. Pour the ingredients into the pan, add bay leaves and lime leaves, cook over low heat until cooked, do a taste test. Set aside.
3. Then make brains. Blend shallots, garlic, egg whites and coconut milk, until smooth.
4. Then mix the mackerel meat with the ground spices. Then add salt, sugar, pepper and sliced spring onions, stir until evenly mixed.
5. Add cornstarch and sago tani, mix until smooth.
6. Put the dough into a piping bag, cut off the tip. Fill the dough into banana leaves, then roll it up and staple it. Do this until the dough runs out.
7. Bake the otak-otak mixture over low heat using Teflon, until cooked on one side. Then just turn it over once until it is completely cooked.

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