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7 Maret 2024 07:00

Fragrant without spraying air freshener, this is how to get rid of bathroom urine smells plus 2 kitchen ingredients

These two kitchen ingredients are very effective in helping the effectiveness of cleaning and deodorizing mixtures. Shahfara Raida
Fragrant without spraying air freshener, this is how to get rid of bathroom urine smells plus 2 kitchen ingredients foto: YouTube/Ad Kreatif

Brilio.net - When you step into the bathroom, the aroma from inside is automatically inhaled by your nose. If the aroma smells good, it will definitely make you feel comfortable. However, it's different if it smells like urine, surely anyone will want to rush out of the bathroom. The condition of a bathroom that smells of urine is quite difficult to overcome.

In fact, even though it has been cleaned many times or given a few mothballs, sometimes the smell of urine in the bathroom still remains. Many people choose to overcome this by spraying air freshener. However, sometimes not everyone has a stock of fresheners at home. If you are one of them, don't worry because there are other ways.

One of the simpler methods was shared by netizens on the Ad Creative YouTube account. He explained that there are two kitchen ingredients that can be added to eliminate the smell of urine in the bathroom. This netizen's way of getting rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom also helps make the bathroom smell super fragrant, you know.

How to get rid of bathroom urine odor.

First, prepare an old bottle, bowl , or any container to put the odor repellent mixture. Then, fill it with a little laundry freshener. Then, mix the fragrance with salt. Yup, salt is one of the main kitchen ingredients to practice this method of getting rid of bathroom urine odor.

"This salt is to preserve the smell of the perfume, so it lasts a long time," added the owner of the YouTube Ad Creative account, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (6/3).

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

After that, add a few grains of camphor of any type. Finally, also add one more kitchen ingredient, namely vinegar. Just use 2 or 3 drops of vinegar. This vinegar will later function to strengthen the fragrance of the clothing perfume liquid. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

Next, place the bottle or container containing the fragrance mixture in the bathroom. The owner of the YouTube Ad Creative account explains that you can hang it or place it next to the bathroom toilet. Guaranteed, your bathroom will smell good for 1 or 2 months after putting this mixture in, you know.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

So, are you interested in trying this way to get rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom? Taking a peek at the Creative YouTube Ad upload which has received 227 thousand viewers, quite a few netizens have succeeded in proving this method, you know. On the other hand, there are also netizens who share other ways to get rid of odors in the bathroom.

"It's really great, bro, I tried it and the bathroom smelled right away. It's really nice and the smell is cool, bro. Thanks for the tutorial," wrote YouTube @bunggunen.

"How long will it last, sir?" asked YouTube @Tumeangznora-tw9nn and received a reply from the video owner, "Approximately 1 to 2 months."

"If I smell like urine, the smell of exhaust fumes... douse it first with bleach and bleach. Leave it for a few moments... flush the toilet, flush it in the drain... I guarantee the smell will go away, lang lang... flush it. Well, after that, just use perfume. "This...when you have a headache. There's still musty steam..hiihhh the smell is mixed...okay," explained YouTube @srimaharsi6371.

How to deal with salt lumps.

Stored salt can become damp and lumpy. This makes it difficult to measure the salt when using it as a cooking spice. So, so that it doesn't clot again, here are several ways to deal with it.

1. Separate lumps.

Use a spoon or fork to break up any large lumps of salt that form. Don't use your hands because the salt can cause skin irritation.

2. Hit or shake the container.

If the salt lumps are not too hard, you can try gently hitting or shaking the salt storage container to break up the lumps that form.

3. Add absorbent objects.

Put things that absorb moisture into the salt storage container, such as rice grains, charcoal rice, or dry fried rice grains. These items will help absorb the moisture that causes the salt to clump.

4. Mild heat.

Lightly heating the salt can help reduce the moisture that causes lumps. You can heat the salt in the oven at a low temperature or heat it in a pan on the stove over low heat. Make sure to monitor closely and don't let the salt get too hot.

5. Store in a closed container.

Make sure you store the salt in a tightly closed container to prevent moisture from entering and prevent the salt from clumping up again in the future.

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