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25 Juni 2024 10:00

Effective without bleach, here's a trick for cleaning dirty school uniform collars, just add 1 kitchen ingredient

There are a few people who avoid bleaching clothes, because they think it quickly damages fabric fibers. Shahfara Raida
foto: YouTube/YAHMAN CN

Brilio.net - Children are often active in activities both indoors and outdoors. It's no surprise that school uniforms usually get super dirty, especially in the collar area. Not a few parents have to use extra energy when washing dirty school uniform collars so that the results are shiny again.

To make the washing process easier, many people choose to wash school uniform collars using clothes bleach. However, there are a few people who avoid bleaching clothes, because they think it quickly damages fabric fibers. On the other hand, there are also those who don't like using bleach because the smell is too strong.

So, if you are one of those who prefer not to use bleach, you can try the trick for cleaning dirty school uniform collars from YouTube account user YAHMAN CN at home. After all, this trick is simple, just use cleaning ingredients, one of which is obtained from the kitchen.

How to clean dirty school uniform collars using 1 kitchen ingredient.

photo: YouTube/YAHMAN CN

First, prepare a bucket or basin for washing school uniforms. Then, add whatever laundry detergent you have at home and citric acid.

It doesn't stop there, also add quite a lot of dish soap. Yup, dishwashing soap is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick for cleaning school uniform collars. After that, dissolve all the ingredients in clean water.

"Add hot water too, don't forget," said the owner of the YouTube account YAHMAN CN, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (24/6).

Once the cleaning agent mixture is ready, immediately put the school uniform with the dirty collar into it. Soak for 30 minutes or 1 hour. After soaking it, I just checked the collar and all parts of the school uniform.

photo: YouTube/YAHMAN CN

Then, rinse the school uniform until there is no more detergent, citron or dish soap remaining on it. So, if there are still stains on the collar of your school uniform, you can continue cleaning them with bar soap. The method is to simply rub the collar with bar soap, then brush until clean.

photo: YouTube/YAHMAN CN

If the collar is really clean, you can rinse it and soak it in water with a fragrance solution for just a moment. Finally, rinse, drain and dry the school uniform until dry.

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