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23 September 2024 21:00

Easy tricks to clean dirty and fishy smelling kitchen tiles without soap

Practical steps to clean kitchen ceramics from stains and fishy smells with just one simple ingredient. Brilio.net
Easy tricks to clean dirty and fishy smelling kitchen tiles without soap

Brilio.net - The kitchen is one of the places that easily gets dirty. Even though it has only been used once for cooking, various stains usually appear. Especially when frying, oil often splashes on the kitchen ceramics. If not cleaned immediately, these oil stains will pile up and be difficult to remove.

The kitchen also often has an unpleasant odor. In addition to being used for cooking, the kitchen is also often used to process food ingredients that smell fishy, such as fish. If the fishy smell is not immediately removed, it can attract a lot of flies.

To overcome this, some people usually clean kitchen ceramics with soap and a cloth. However, this method often makes the cloth oily and the stains spread. So, how do you clean kitchen ceramics from stains and fishy smells?

Don't worry, there is another easier way that you can imitate at home to overcome this. Like what one netizen did on deymimo's YouTube upload who shared how to clean stains and fishy smells on kitchen ceramics. In addition to being easy, this method only requires one simple ingredient.

"To clean oil stains or fishy smells that stick to kitchen ceramics, and the ingredients are also in the kitchen. So, we don't have to worry about looking for soap or other ingredients," explained YouTube owner deymimo, as reported by BrilioFood on Monday (23/9).

First, prepare a cloth that has been moistened first. Then sprinkle ground coffee little by little on the dirty and fishy-smelling kitchen ceramics evenly.

photo: YouTube/deymimo

Then, wipe all the ceramic parts that have been sprinkled with ground coffee. Rub the cloth until the ceramic is clean from stains. Do the same thing until all the kitchen ceramics are clean, okay?

In this way, kitchen ceramics that previously looked dirty and smelled fishy, became maximally clean. Even without soap, the aroma of coffee helps neutralize the unpleasant odor on kitchen ceramics and is effective in removing oil stains on kitchen ceramics.

photo: YouTube/deymimo

After scrubbing, wash the cloth again with water until clean. Then wipe the ceramic again with a clean and dry cloth to clean the remaining coffee, so that the kitchen ceramic is maximally clean. As a result, the ceramic that was previously dirty, smelly, slippery and oily, now looks cleaner and dry.

photo: YouTube/deymimo

This video by YouTube deymimo immediately caught the attention of netizens. This video has been watched up to 6 thousand times and liked by 54 other YouTube accounts.

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