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9 Juni 2024 10:30

Capital IDR 0, this is an effective trick to sharpen blunt scissors so they are razor sharp using just 1 kitchen tool

No more need to spend capital to buy scissors. Shahfara Raida
Capital IDR 0, this is an effective trick to sharpen blunt scissors so they are razor sharp using just 1 kitchen tool YouTube/Bang Experiment

Brilio.net - Scissors are generally made of metal, so they last for years. However, if they have been used for a long time, the scissor blades are at risk of turning blunt, you know. Not a few people don't know how to make their blades sharp again, so they choose to buy new scissors.

In fact, scissors can be sharpened with a stone or a special sharpening tool as is usually used to sharpen knives. However, of course you need more capital to buy these tools, right?

So, for those of you who don't want to spend money on sharpening scissors, you must try this trick from netizens on the Bang Experiment YouTube account at home.

After investigating, this man only needed one simple tool to turn dull scissors into sharp ones like new. This tool is usually available in the kitchen, so you don't need to buy it and spend more capital.

An easy way to sharpen blunt scissors so they are razor sharp.

Before starting the trick, first prepare 1 glass cup. Yup, here's the core kitchen tool to practice this blunt scissors sharpening trick. Then, rub the scissors against the glass like a normal scissor movement.

"Do it over and over again like this, guaranteed to make the scissors razor sharp," said the owner of the YouTube account Bang Experiment, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (9/6).

photo: YouTube/Bang Experiment

After sharpening it several times, try cutting it on paper or plastic. If the scissors are sharp, it means you have successfully done this trick. However, if it's still not sharp enough, you can repeat the sharpening process with a glass a few more times.

photo: YouTube/Bang Experiment

How about it, it's really simple, isn't the trick to sharpen blunt scissors sharp as a razor in the Bang Experiment YouTube upload which has been watched 34 thousand times?

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