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18 Mei 2016 09:09

8 Freaky but delicious food innovations

If you’re addicted to food and always looking out for the latest trends, you’re going to love what’s coming next. Celia Tholozan

Brilio.net/en - If youre addicted to food and always looking out for the latest trends, youre going to love whats coming next. Especially if youre a sweet-salty mix enthusiast!

1.Wasabi, seaweed and jellyfish flavoured ice-creams

10 Unique bakso only in Indonesia, get ready to drool!

Image via trendhunter

First up on the list of the strangest flavour and texture combination: ice-creams tasting like seafood! Very popular in Japan, it has sprouted over hundreds of different unexpected flavours! The traditional vanilla-chocolate duo seems very old-fashioned

Hi die-hard ramen lovers, you have to try this chocolate ramen!

2.Chocolate wine

Image via winemag

Chocolate is definitely the ingredient that is popular for being mixed with any kind of food and obviously with drinks too! Some of those cacao wines are even available to drink hot!

3.Beer spread

Image via indiatimes

Originally invented by a beer fan working in a Scottish brewery, the spread made out of fermented beer will satisfy the ones that wouldnt dare to crack open their first Bintang too early in the morning!

4.Butter stick

Image via wonderhowto

A revolution that really needed to be invented: a push-up crayon with butter inside, to never smashed your toast again!

5.Smoked salmon strawberry-flavour

Image via eurochile

Because the original smoky taste is sometimes not enough, the adventurous company IOD decided to perfume salmon with different improbable flavours: honey for kids but also orange, pistachio, chestnut fig or strawberry!

6.Breast milk lollies

Image via lollyphile

Definitely the most awkward one: while lollipops made out of breast milk already exist for babies, they just created some for adults! Blue cheese, absinthe or tequila lollies are also some of the original creation of the untypical brand.

7.Chorizo jam

Image via bacon-jam

Jam usually refers to breakfast, and while chorizo could definitely be part of a nice breakfast too, combining both together seemed like a bit of a challenge but is apparently a success according to the amazing reviews existing about the product!

8.Fizzing champagne pills

Image via lepoint

The best for last! How many times do you desperately feel the need to drinking a nice cold glass of champagne, but cant really afford it? Prestigious Champagne house Veuve Clicquot came with the most useful innovation: fizzing champagne pills, to make your day sparkle wherever you are! Seems too good to be true? Because it unfortunately isnt

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