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22 Maret 2016 09:19

What your dominant brain side reveals about your personality

Are you a left-brained, right-brained or somewhere in between? Retno Wulandari
© playbuzz x

Brilio.net/en - Are you a left-brained, right-brained or somewhere in between? Its always interesting to discover things about ourselves, and in this case, our characteristics based on the dominant side of our brain.

You've probably heard the phrase mentioned numerous times or perhaps you've even taken an online test to determine which type best describes you. While some tests are somehow made difficult and take long to complete, this test is rather simple and quick. But before we carry on with the test, we need a better understanding of the roles our different brain hemispheres play:

Why do people “choose” to be gay?

Image via scoop

The right brain

Can’t stop reading this sentence? You've been brainwashed!

According to the left-brain, right brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is dedicated to expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities popularly associated with the right side of the brain include:

Recognizing faces

Expressing emotions

Reading emotions






Spontaneous actions

The left brain

The left-side of the brain is considered to be dedicated to tasks that involve logic, language, and analytical thinking. The left-brain is typically better at:



Critical thinking







In this simple test, we only have to do small body-related activities. To begin, take a good sitting position, not too close from your computer desk. If you read this article through a mobile phone, just place it on the desk in front of you.

First test (A)

Unite your hands together with fingers entwined as if you are praying, just like this:

Image via lawppl

Then take a look at your thumb. If your left hands thumb laid under the right hands, it indicates that you are a left-brain dominant person. If your right hands thumb automatically goes under the left hands, it indicates that you are a right-brain dominant person.

Second test (B)

Cross your arms in front of your body just like this:

Image via reddit

If your right arm is positioned over the left arm, it indicates that you dominantly use your left brain. If your left arm is positioned over the right arm, it means that you mainly use your right brain.

The Verdict

Now lets take a look at what your hands-related gesture said about your character, based on the dominant side of the brain you are using.

A right + B left

You are using the both sides of your brains in a balanced manner though you sometimes use your right brain more often. You are a caring person and tend to be conventional, sociable, vigilant, unselfish, and stable. You have hard times describing things in simple words and tend to be elaborate.

A right + B right

You are using your right brain in most situations and you love challenges. You tend to act natural, careless, reckless, reactive, quick in action, have a strong imagination, are curious and rarely taking peoples thoughts into consideration. You leave everything up to gut instinct.

A left + B left

You are a left brain dominant. You strive for perfection and it is your nature to be careless, logical, reliable and truthful. You think critically before arriving at a first impression, and think critically when confronting problems or drawing deeper conclusions. But sometimes you insist upon your opinion just because you feel that youre the only one who is right. People avoid standing against you, because they think youre a formidable opponent.

A left + B right

You are using both sides of your brains in most situations, but there are times when you depend more on your left brain. You love and have a talent for caring for other. You are a natural leader who is thoughtful, calm, responsible, well-thought-out and concerned with how you look. You are a smooth-talker and know how to deal with most situations. You leave more complex issues to instinct.

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