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13 Juni 2024 18:23

This woman said that her father had left her when she was little, apparently the child of a celebrity who had previously gone viral

No one would have thought that this beautiful woman's father had gone viral dozens of years ago Khansa Nabilah
This woman said that her father had left her when she was little, apparently the child of a celebrity who had previously gone viral foto: TikTok/@deriskaalmira

Brilio.net - For children of the 2000s, the name Arya Wiguna was in the public spotlight after clashing with Eyang Subur. This case went viral and the jargon 'For God's sake' hit the popular table. At that time, he and Adi Bing Slamet sued Eyang Subur after discovering irregularities in the spiritual practices being taught.

After almost 12 years have passed, the Eyang Subur case with Arya Wiguna is slowly receding. Until some time ago, Arya Wiguna's name became a topic of conversation again after the TikTok account @deriskaalmira revealed her family's story.

In the video upload, he talks about his life after his parents had to divorce when he was little.

photo: TikTok/@deriskaalmira

" Rating things my parents did ," wrote @deriskaalmira, quoted by brilio.net on Tuesday (11/6).

The woman named Deriska shared a photo of her childhood with her mother. He rated his mother a million out of ten for her struggles as a single mother.

Deriska revealed that her mother was divorced by her father. The mother went to Bandung, then supported her three children alone until now.

photo: TikTok/@deriskaalmira

" 1000000/10. Divorced by my father, ran away to Bandung with 3 children and raised them alone until now. Good job Dewi, I love you so much ," he wrote.

Next, he showed off his photo with his father. Of course, this photo is surprising because the woman is Arya Wiguna's daughter. He gave his father a rating of minus 10 million out of 10.

Arya's reason for divorcing his wife also shocked netizens. On Grandmother Subur's orders, Arya divorced his wife. That's where Deriska felt a dilemma, she felt both hate and love for her father.

photo: TikTok/@deriskaalmira

" -10000000/10. The reason I divorced my mother was because Grandfather Subur told me to. Who hurt you Aria? Hate you but I love you ," he said.

The video upload shocked netizens because it reminded me of the case of Eyang Subur and Arya Wiguna. No one thought that Deriska was Arya's daughter, who has now grown up and has gone viral again because of her story.

" Your father, Arya Wiguna ," said @cjavachip.

" It turns out that behind the cuteness of Aria's viral video, there was a beautiful woman and her 3 children who were injured ," said @yunirahmawati13.

" Who would have thought that opening TikTok early in the morning would then meet Arya Wiguna's son ," said @tehtarektigee0.

" It's amazing when your father banged on the table when I was still in elementary school ," said @milaalwiyyah.

" Plot twist. Your fertile grandfather has a crush on your mother, intending to make her his umpteenth wife, but it doesn't work ," said @deviola_7.

" 100 100 ," replied Deriska Almira as if agreeing with this comment.

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