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15 Mei 2016 13:24

This is the difference between 0 and +62 on your Indonesian cell phone

Do you know the difference between those numbers? Victoria Tunggono
This is the difference between 0 and +62 on your Indonesian cell phone

Brilio.net/en - Today, registered cell phone users have exceeded the number of fixed phones in Indonesia. In a household there could be 3-5 cell phone numbers, not to mention the second or third phone numbers a person might have. The technology founded by Martin Cooper has been a must-have for everyone, and even kids are already familiar with the using of the handy gadget.

In all cell phones there is a Contact function to store phone numbers, along with the details such as the persons job and company, email address, home address, birthdays and many more. One thing that you must have recognized is the use of 0 or +62 at the beginning of the numbers you are storing in the phone. But do you know the difference between those numbers?

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It might seem simple, but it is important for us to know about the difference between 0 and +62. In some case it might cause miscommunication and failed attempts at reaching people because of the wrong usage. So +62 is the country code for Indonesia. Each of the countries in the world has their own codes and it applies internationally. The code functions to connect Indonesian numbers with the rest of the world.

The use of 0 applies when the destination number is located in the same country, which is Indonesia, and works both for phone calling or SMS (Short Messaging Service). If you wish to contact someone that is in another country, the use of +62 is a must. If someone is using an Indonesian number but located in foreign country at the moment, the use of 0 wont connect you to them.

It is recommended that you start using the +62 instead of 0 on your phone Contacts, although it is much easier to say 0 when you cite your phone number to people. Because you wont know if someone is not in the country when you contact them, perhaps its time to start organizing all of your phone Contacts with +62 now.

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Original article by Andi Rosita Dewi

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