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21 Februari 2024 08:25

This 90s artist was a member of the DPR for 2 terms, his assets reached IDR 11.5 billion, his house is magnificent in Mediterranean style

This 90s artist proved his talent in the world of entertainment and in the world of politics. Syeny Wulandari
This 90s artist was a member of the DPR for 2 terms, his assets reached IDR 11.5 billion, his house is magnificent in Mediterranean style

Brilio.net - Everyone's life will definitely experience changes. Whether it's a change in appearance style or career in life, including celebrities. Many consider being an artist to be a promising profession .

But, in reality, many artists have changed their minds and left the world of entertainment. Those who were once very popular have now changed professions in various fields.

One of them is an old artist whose name was very popular in the 90s. He is a top artist who is able to prove himself as a person full of dedication and quality.

photo: Instagram/@desyratnasari_holic

With the capital he has, he is able to spread his wings in other areas, even far from the world of entertainment. Yes, he is now enjoying a successful career as a politician. This woman even holds a high-end position in a political party.

The woman in question is Desy Ratnasari. The GADIS Sampul event became a stepping stone for Desy Ratnasari in entering the gates of the Indonesian entertainment industry. At that time, he was still 14 years old and came out as 2nd place winner.

photo: Instagram/@love_gadissampul

A year later, he received an offer to act in the series Solusi Rumah Kita. The soap opera that aired on TVRI apparently opened up opportunities and luck for Desy which took her to the pinnacle of success.

Desy also appeared in the soap opera Not an Ordinary Woman and won the Vidia Cup award as Best Female Supporting Actor at the 1997 Indonesian Soap Opera Festival.

Almost all the films and soap operas he starred in attracted the attention of the audience. Desy has starred in around 11 feature films and 20 soap operas. His sad facial character makes him subscribe to the role of protagonist.

photo: Instagram/@desyratnasari_eksklusif

Successfully pursuing a career in the world of acting, Desy also entered the world of singing. One of the songs he popularized was Tenda Biru, which won him the Platinum Incitec award from Malaysia and became the best seller album in Indonesia in 1997.

Not only is he active in the world of entertainment, he has also been involved in the world of education. In 2012, Desy became an honorary lecturer at the Atma Jaya Faculty of Psychology. The reason is, after graduating from UI, the 50 year old woman continued her studies in the Professional Masters in Psychology at UNIKA Atma Jaya.

It was only in 2013 that the actor in the film Joshua Oh Joshua entered the world of politics. Not only using her artistry, Desy also demonstrated her intellectual and public speaking abilities with a master's degree to join the party.

Desy joined as a cadre of the National Mandate Party (PAN). He has been a member of the DPR RI for two terms, namely in the 2014-2019 and 2019-2024 periods. In fact, Desy is also running again as a member of the DPR RI from the same party for the 2024-2029 period.

photo: Instagram/@zul.hasan

As a DPR member from PAN, Desy is known to have an extraordinary income. Based on the State Administrator's Wealth Report (LHKPN) as of March 13 2023/Periodic - 2022, Desy Ratnasari's wealth is estimated at IDR 11.5 billion.

This success can be seen from the residence that Desy owns. He has a luxurious residence in Sukabumi which he shares with his younger brother, Yoseph Mahdi Yunansyah.

photo: Instagram/@josephkendlesperance

There is a white house with large pillars that look sturdy, typical of the Mediterranean style. The residence has a flat roof with a curved center, making it look neat and elegant. The location of the house which is far from the hustle and bustle of the city also adds to the beauty of the residence of the actor Zaenab in the soap opera Malin Kundang.

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