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22 Februari 2025 22:00

There are private minimarkets and salons, here are 5 glimpses of the billion-dollar facilities in Ustaz Riza Muhammad's house

This preacher from Situbondo is currently building his dream house with various luxurious facilities. Syeny Wulandari
There are private minimarkets and salons, here are 5 glimpses of the billion-dollar facilities in Ustaz Riza Muhammad's house

Brilio.net - After the commotion of Ustaz Solmed's magnificent house, now it's Ustaz Riza Muhammad's turn to steal the attention. This preacher from Situbondo is building a dream house with various luxurious facilities for his wife and children.

Who would have thought, before achieving success like now, Ustaz Riza once lived in limitations. Graduating from high school without any special skills, he once sold flip-flops to make ends meet. "I remember selling flip-flops very clearly, the income was not much," he recalled on the Rumpi Trans TV show.

Not only that, in order to save money, he even survived by eating instant noodles every day until he finally suffered from intestinal disease. "Two months of eating instant noodles, the result is I got sick," he said. His hard struggle has now paid off with extraordinary achievements.

So, what does the luxury of Ustaz Riza Muhammad's billion rupiah house look like? Let's take a look at the full review.

1. First, there is a salon that is intended for the wife so that she can get treatment in peace. "I have prepared a private salon. Because my wife wears a headscarf, it's a bit difficult to get a salon just anywhere."

photo: YouTube/SCTV

2. In addition to honoring his wife by creating a private salon at home, this 40-year-old cleric will build a gym practice at home too.

photo: YouTube/SCTV

3. "Then there is the gym for sports, the swimming pool for all my children," said Riza Muhammad.

photo: YouTube/SCTV

4. Ustaz Riza will also build an indoor play ground, "there is an indoor play ground, a place for children to play. Children like to play outside. Well, I have prepared a place for a play ground."

photo: Instagram/@ustdzrizamuhammad

5. Besides that, Riza Muhammad will also prepare a personal minimarket for his children.

photo: YouTube/SCTV

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