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17 Agustus 2024 12:00

The moment of the SO7 Ambassador performing in the village during the night of the 79th National Day of the Republic of Indonesia, his outfit is like a patrolman

The song he sang was accompanied by two acoustic guitarists. Syeny Wulandari
The moment of the SO7 Ambassador performing in the village during the night of the 79th National Day of the Republic of Indonesia, his outfit is like a patrolman

Brilio.net - Night of vigil is a tradition often carried out by Indonesian people ahead of the commemoration of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day. On the night before August 17, residents usually gather in various places such as village halls, fields, or other public areas to stay up together while waiting for the seconds of the proclamation.

This year, the celebration of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day night at the Manukan Village Hall, Condong Catur, Sleman, Yogyakarta was special. The reason is, the local residents were spoiled by a free 'concert' by Sheila On 7 vocalist Duta in their village.

Reported from the TikTok account @puasari_20, Duta was seen on stage entertaining his residents who were none other than his own neighbors. Of course he did this for free without setting professional rates as a singer.


No fancy properties were visible, Duta sang while sitting on a plastic chair. His style was very simple like a father going on patrol. He only wore a black hat, a matching jacket, and dark blue hiking pants, and black sandals.


Some Sheila On 7 songs that Duta sang on the vigil night included the songs "Dan", "Hari Bersamanya", and "Mejumping Higher". The songs he sang were accompanied by two guitarists acoustically.

Not a few residents were also enthusiastic in singing. The atmosphere felt even more lively even though the night was getting late, because there were Ambassadors who enlivened the vigil event.


The video of the moment when Sheila On 7 Ambassadors sang to enliven the vigil night event ahead of August 17, 2024 in Sleman, Yogyakarta immediately drew various reactions from netizens. A number of netizens admitted to being jealous of residents in the area, because they could experience the vigil night event welcoming the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia while enjoying a free concert.

"klean war so7 tickets, concat residents just "sir, fill the village event" @potatomomm

"When else will Sheila on 7's ambassadors perform as guest stars?" @sellanurulll

"the simplest concert," @ahmdmsdtt

"the outfits of the men on patrol are awesome" bobamilk860

"Mr. Ambassador is truly a simple and no-nonsense person," said Kraftiadi.

"the real artist who is never arrogant," @ariska.mamane.aur

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