- Aaliyah Massaid's romantic relationship with Thariq Halilintar is still a hot topic of conversation among the public. In fact, recently, Reza Artamevia's daughter received a surprise in the form of a proposal from Tariq Halilintar. Tariq uploaded the application on his personal Instagram on Wednesday evening (15/5).
After dating for about a year, Tariq became more confident in taking his love relationship with Aaliyah to a more serious level. They are said to have prepared wedding plans. However, both parties have not provided confirmation.
Prior to Tariq, Aaliyah's romantic relationships were rarely in the public eye. However, it is known that the 22 year old woman was dating a man who was said to be the son of a conglomerate. He is a man named Sultan Sapta who was nudged during an interview with Maia Estianty in 2021.
This figure is not a celebrity like Tariq. Even so, Sultan Sapta also came from a prominent family. Even now the Sultan occupies a prestigious position in the company.
For those who are curious about the latest news about Aaliyah Massaid's ex-boyfriend , Sultan Sapta, check out the summary from Instagram @sultansapta, Thursday (16/5).
1. As his name suggests, the man born in 1999 comes from a sultan's family with wealth reportedly reaching hundreds of billions.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
2. Sultan Sapta is one of the grandchildren of Oesman Sapta Odang who is familiarly called Oso. Apart from being a businessman, Oso is also a politician from the Hanura Party.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
3. Based on the 2019 LHKPN, the OSO family is recorded as having total assets of IDR. 472.680.245.851. This amount has been reduced by the recorded debt of Rp. 574,589,786.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
4. Even though his grandfather was a famous politician, Sultan Sapta did not follow in his footsteps. He prefers to be a businessman like his father.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
5. Yep, Sultan is the son of businessman Raja Sapta Oktohari. His father was active in sports organizations in Indonesia and internationally.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
6. Oktohari is known to have served as Chairman of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (NOC Indonesia) for two terms until 2027.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
7. Sultan Sapta's skill in organizing the boxing event between Rl Rumi vs Jefri Nichol apparently inherited from his father.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
8. He was named the world's youngest boxing promoter by the World Boxing Association.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
9. Currently, Sultan Sapta has been the CEO of a company called IBuku Clinic since he just graduated from college in London in 2021.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
10. Apart from being CEO, Sultan Sapta also lists his work as Head of Marketing Office aka CMO for a platform called since April 2022.
Sultan Sapta's latest news
11. Meanwhile, since 2023, this 24 year old man has also served as Director of Kita Aset Bangsa under the auspices of Sens Entertainment.
Sultan Sapta's latest news