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23 September 2024 11:10

The impact of IshowSpeed fans rioting in Jogja, Reza Arap quickly compensates for damaged street vendor goods

Many people admire what Reza Arap has done. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: Instagram/@ybrap; X/@yourbae

Brilio.net - Recently, IshowSpeed's arrival in Indonesia has excited a number of fans. As is known, IshowSpeed is a YouTuber, streamer, and influencer from the United States known for entertainment content, especially video games. Coming to Indonesia, IshowSpeed visited several cities, such as Jakarta, Bali, and recently Yogyakarta.

Just like other cities, Yogyakarta also welcomed the presence of IshowSpeed enthusiastically. The fans looked lively and happy that their idols were coming to their city. But unfortunately, the presence of IshowSpeed in Jogja ended in chaos. Seen in a number of videos circulating on social media, fans ran to get photos or videos of IshowSpeed.

Reza Arap compensates street vendors for their losses

The fans' actions ignored the street vendors in Alun-alun Kidul. A number of merchandise such as paintings were seen being crushed by fans. The incident certainly harmed the vendors.

Reza Arap compensates street vendors for their losses

Seeing the riots that harmed local street vendors, Reza Arap immediately responded. Through a tweet on the X account @yourbae, Reza said he was ready to take responsibility, especially since Reza was the one who brought IshowSpeed to Indonesia.

Reza Arap compensates street vendors for their losses

Reza immediately contacted traders who suffered losses due to the riots by IshowSpeed fans in Jogja.

"I have resolved all the losses. Thank you," the caption in the upload, quoted by brilio.net from X @yourbae, Monday (23/9).

Reza Arap compensates street vendors for their losses

The compensation started with Reza Arap asking about the trader's total losses.

"Can I ask you, sir, how much is the total loss? Thank you," he wrote in the chat.

Getting a DM from Reza, the trader in question explained that the loss experienced was approximately Rp. 600 thousand. Without further ado, Reza immediately asked for the account number concerned.

"I'll ask you first, bro. My father said the total loss was around Rp. 600k," said the trader.

Reza Arap compensates street vendors for their losses

The total compensation of Rp. 600 thousand includes 30 pictures and 15 to 20 painting stands made of wood.

"Hello bro, I've met the victim's asthma. The total loss is 600,000, 15-20 jagrang + 30 pictures," the contents of the DM chat.

As proof that he has completed his responsibilities, in the upload Reza Arap provided proof of the transaction. It is clear that he has sent money according to the compensation that has been mentioned.

Arap's actions garnered various positive comments from netizens.

"You are the best Rap. No matter how rude you are when you stream + how rude you are, you always care about society, especially small entrepreneurs," wrote the account @hadilocoboy.teh.

"Luckily I didn't go to the painting. Because on Sunday nights, Alkid is always crowded + Raden Speed's arrival," commented the @jp account.

"It's not strange if you have a lot of money, it's really cool to be a person," added the account @createdbylust.

"Cool, bro Arap," added the comment from the account @iirrhhaamm.

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